Donate Life Design

This project was to create a design for the Donate Life Poster Contest. To compose my piece I mainly used colored; red, pink, white, and black; construction paper. I also used an exact-o knife, glue stick, sketch paper to glue the design on.

Taking inspiration from Notan Art I cut the red, pink, and white construction paper into 5-inch squares. Next, I experimented with how I was going to cut out the silhouette of my fingers in the shape of a heart for my top layer, white construction paper. Then I cut a small heart in half in the middle of the middle layer, pink construction paper to reveal the space where the "Organ & Tissue" words were going to be lettered in. I then used a letter transfer sheet to do all my lettering and then glued all the layers together and folding out the cut paper. Then I centered and glued everything on the black construction paper and then glued that on the sketch paper. I also folded in the hands so that they would fit on the paper.

I this design because by donating your organ and/or tissue, you are lending a hand as in the saying. The theme of this piece was that the hands, that also look like wings are "handing" out their heart to save another life. If I were to do this again I would probably glue everything onto a bigger sheet of paper.