Photo 2


My work has shown improvement because in the beginning of the year I was taking easy pictures and just making sure I had a strong picture on my website. I didn't pay attention the composition rules as much or challenge myself. Now as the year is coming to an end, I have tried to alter my own images in a way that is new and unique. I have put more effort into my projects and you can set the improvement in my altering techniques and composition. Everything is so much more thought out/planned and has more work put into them. I am more proud of my work from the fourth quarter because I think my images are stronger and have more thought/meaning in them.

The most challenging thing for me was meeting the deadlines. I was so focused on the perfection of my picture that I didn't think about making a beautiful oops. I wanted it to be perfect except that is not reality. I struggled with meeting deadline specifically the 2 projects after I was absent. Film processing and printing has so many steps and is very time consuming. I came in during every advisory period, for the most part, to complete my assignments and turn them in. One other thing that was challenging for me was altering my images. It was easy when we were assigned a certain alteration. Towards the last 4 final film projects I had to think of my own alterations for my final prints. I tried challenging things and it didn't always work but sometime when it didn't work the outcome was very unique and creative. It pushed me to think outside of the box but it was definitely very challenging at first before I started to adjust.

I am most proud of my digital minimalism photograph, my film conflict print, and my digital monochromatic photograph. I like my minimalism image because it is very strong and the reflection of the rose adds lots of detail. I like how the image background is very plain but the rose is a vibrant pop of color. I like my film conflict print because of the new alteration I made that nobody has done. I like it so much because it makes the photograph feel one of a kind. The tape allowed developer to leak throw but it gave it a very unique look. All thought the range of values isn't the greatest, I like the muted gray color. The last image that I am most proud of is my monochromatic digital image. I love this image because it has a vintage feel to it. The hot pink hue pops out and doesn't allow and object to stand out more than another it is all just "equal". I love my film prints the most in general because they are black and white and it allows for more creativity with the developing process and alterations.

I believe my images show my strengths and weaknesses as a learner because of the compositions and alterations my images have. At the beginning of the year I was just taking images that were decent. For example my geometric shadows but towards the end you can see I learned the strengths of using photo compositions. For example, my minimalism image which uses rule of thirds and my magnification image which also shows rule of thirds. My film prints also show my strengths and weaknesses in my alterations. At the beginning I was just using the alterations we were taught. For example, the mister and cyanotype. But at the end of the year I learned more about alteration techniques and created my own. For example, my conflict image because I created my own alteration using painters tape. These examples discussed show my strengths and weaknesses as a learner because they show how my weaknesses turned into my strengths.