Photo Edits

Repetition Original

Repetition Edit

Color Adjustments:

  • Saturation: 1.00
  • Cast: 1.00

Informal Balance Original

Informal Balance Edit

Light Adjustments:

  • Brilliance: 0.46
  • Highlights: -1.00
  • Black Point: 0.06

Color Adjustments:

  • Saturation: -0.50
  • Contrast: -1.00
  • Cast: 1.00

Framing Original

Framing Edit

Black and White Adjustments:

  • Intensity: 0.50
  • Neutrals: -1.00
  • Tone: 0.50

Artist Statement: For this assignment, we went on a scavenger hunt to collect images of the 18 different photo techniques and rules. I took a wide variety of photographs that explored the different techniques. After doing so, I selected my three favorite photos and edited them to try out the different editing options I had. I selected the repetition photograph because of its simplicity and then edited it to show more saturation. Doing this to show that the blank wall has a lot of details that may be hidden in the original photograph. I then selected the informal balance photo because of the bright colors and the poppyness of the frame. I darkened the photo and removed some color to show a darker version of the same photo. Something that I can use later if I want to explore a certain message with a darker tone. For my third favorite photo, I selected the framing photograph because I wanted to test out black and white elements of photo editing. While editing, I made the dark parts of the image darker and the lighter parts lighter to show how I can change the intensity of a black and white photo. This project really showed me how much power I can have in photo editing. It showed me that a photo can change its meaning after it being edited a specific way. I will really enjoy photo edits in the future and the potential that I have for taking photos.