Beautiful Oops

Artist Statement:

The drawing is representing a lizard creature on a leaf in a body of water. To create this artwork, I first had to look at the ink blotches and try to see a shape or object of some kind. I found that a tail would work well with the placement of the ink. Then, I took colored pencils and made colorful shapes and patterns that made sense from what I was creating. The art piece is arranged by looking at the subject at a bird's eye view level. At first, the art was going to just be a lizard however I needed to fill the negative space with something. I don't believe that there is a story or meaning behind the art piece, it can be interpretive and people can find their own meaning in this piece. The only connection that I can think of that relates this to my life is that a creature that can seem to be dull or boring is living in a place of wonder and mystery that shows a hidden beauty in the world the creature lives in.