Photo Montage

Artist Statement

this project was an accumulation of the photoshop skills we learned this quarter is class. We were allowed to create anything using any number of tools to make a surreal composition. I created mine depicting a shark-man leaping out of the waves beneath Niagara falls. I did this by first finding the image of the falls I wanted to use, then setting it as my background. Then, I searched the web for images of large fish I could use. Next, I found the perfect photo to become to face of my fish. I selected only the face of the man and then changed the color of it slightly to make it look more realistic with the lighting in the original photo. I then did the same with the fish, cropping out the head, and altering the color. I used some clone stamping to get rid of a red piece of plastic on his chin from the raincoat he was wearing, and also to decrease the shadow on the shark's fin. I blended the head with the body by using a large eraser on low opacity, and I did the same on the tail of the shark to get it to look like it was coming out of the water. overall, I think the finished image is good. I like the concept, though I was hoping to do something a little more artistic and less silly, but I still like the way it turned out.