Pure Contour

Artist Statement

My creation is a drawing of my hand with a rubber band around my fingers. I used a pencil to sketch, a black pen to do the line work, and two copic markers to add the subtle shading and color to the rubber band. I chose to create this piece because I was assigned it. I composed it to be a bit less boring by having the hand and arm come out of the corner of the page, rather than from the bottom or side. Also, I had the fingers curl a little bit to make it more interesting.

I used line, shape, and value in this piece. I revised it along my process. I did this with the rubber band coloring, as I wasn't sure I wanted to color it at first, but in the end I decided to .

The meaning behind the artwork is that we were trying to learn how to draw with differing line width, so we had to make the lines in the foreground the darkest and the ones furthest away the lightest. I was drawing a hand here, so there wasn't much of a background, but I still tried to differ the line widths, and i am pretty happy with this finished piece. This is a drawing of my hand, and I used my hand as a live model, so that's how it relates to my life. If I could go back in and change something about my project, the only thing I'd really want to change is some shading in the fingers that I missed and the shape of the hand at the bottom, because I feel that it is a little off. But other than that, I'm quite happy with this project.