Color Design Value Strip

Artist Statement

The subject of this creation is two value scales, one a primary color and one a secondary color. I used acrylic paint to create it. The original instructions were to made two sets of rectangles, one on top of the page, one on the bottom, but i thought that was boring, so I changed it. I used pencil to sketch and acrylic paint to color it. I once again didn't chose to make this project, but I did chose to make it out of circles instead of reclangles, because frankly I was bored by the excessive amounts of value strips we had made this year, and so I wanted to make it a little different so i would hate it a little less.

I used color, line, and shape to make it. Color comes in because the whole project revolves around color. Line is used with the designing of the shape. Shape is used by the way I had to specifically measure and draw all the circles. It evolved because I started off really strong, making very opaque and saturated colors, but then I ran out of class time and had to finish it at home, where I wasn't able to stay focused long enough to mix all the right colors, so I just threw it together so I would at least have something to present.

There is no meaning. It's a value strip. Its colorful. That's it. It really only relates to my life because I was the only one who asked to do it differently because my creativity was angry that we were doing such a boring project. It could be stronger if I added more layers to the purple ones.