Wire Sculpture

This is a sculpture of a skull that I made out of wire. The assignment for this project was to create a wire sculpture of an object with interesting space and depth. I used a model of a skull for reference and used wire cutters and needle-nose pliers to help manipulate the wire.

In my process for this sculpture I began by making a ring the size of the circumference of the skull and by connecting it to smaller rings I created a dome. Through the same process I made the lower back of the skull. I then created the eye sockets by molding the wire around those on the skull. I gave them depth by connecting those smaller loops. Also by molding around the shape of the skull I made the nose, upper jaw and cheekbones. I then molded separate wires to the shape of the jaw and connected those. I then used loose connections from the skull to the jaw enabling limited movement. The most difficult part of this project was ensuring that the connections were sturdy and would no collapse.

I chose to make a skull because I was interested by the shape, space and depth. Although at first I was hesitant to take on such a challenging shape, I'm glad I chose one that was interesting and I feel that the final product is satisfactory. I think this piece could be stronger (literally and figuratively) if I clamped down all the attachment points because although they are tight, they could always be more so. I could also redesign and reattach parts such as the upper jaw and back of the skull which are slightly crooked and disproportionate to improve this piece.