Pure Contour

In these drawings we used pure contour to first draw three views of a single shoe (shown at the top) and then to zoom in on part of one of the drawings and blow it up, then to zoom in on a part of that drawing and blow it up and finally to zoom in a third time to blow up section of that drawing (shown above). Using pure contour means that only lines are drawn, there is no shading. To variate the lines we used, use different line weight, meaning that we used pencils with harder or softer lead to create darker or lighter lines depending on the intensity of the lines and how far away they should be portrayed (we naturally see things as lighter when they are farther away).

For the side and frontal views of the shoe I put it on top of a stack of books so that it would be at my eye level, preventing me from drawing from distorted perspectives and also to make it so that I would only have to move my eyes back and forth, not my head, making the drawing more accurate.Then for the overhead view I put the shoe in my lap so that I could look down on it. I then used a modified paper view finder that I could put on top of each drawing which helped in blowing it up. As far as process, for each drawing I lightly sketched all the lines before erasing and going over them again more neatly. It was at that point that I used different pencils to create different line weights.

I used the positions of the laces and tongue that I used for the three views because I thought the laces were in interesting places that would provide good negative space. I then chose the sections to blow up based on the variety of lines, trying to make each as complex as possible.