
This is a piece I created as part of a group project focused on community using overhead views of local places. This is an overhead view of the L.L.Bean Bike Boat Ski building in Freeport. My media was acrylic paint which I mixed, and oil paint from paint pens, on wood. I used unrealistic colors to make the piece brighter and more interesting and created contrast with lighter and darker colors adjacent. I created patterns using lines I made with paint pens to add variety.

To create this piece I referenced Google Earth for the overhead view and paper samples for patters. I first painted my wood panel yellow so that I could start with a solid color. I then sketched my outlines on paper and labeled the spaces with the colors I wanted to use. I based my color pallet off example swatches. After drawing in pencil and then painting all the spaces—usually using multiple coats to create solid color—I used the pale sample designs for reference in drawing designs in some of the spaces using paint pen. Initially I thought I would use all solid colors but decided to add patterns later to make better use of my space and make it more interesting.

I chose to paint the L.L.Bean building first because there are a variety of shapes. My personal connection to this place and the piece in that my father worked in this building for a long time and still works for L.L.Bean. He and my family all also enjoy outdoor sports which is partly why he has worked for them for so long. For the most part I think I made solid colors but if I had done more layers the colors could probably be better which would strengthen the piece.