Teacher Scenario - CTE

Teacher Information

  • 5th year teacher

  • Subject: CTE-Entrepreneurship I

  • Post Covid teaching has stressed you and created anxiety in delivering high quality lessons to students who are struggling more and lacking basic proficiencies.

Class Information

  • 5 EC students

  • 2 EL students

  • Total number of students = 25

  • Based on the most recent standard taught (addressing summarizing and finding the main idea), 15/25 demonstrated mastery. 5 were within 5 points of mastery. The final 5 were 10-15 points away from mastery.

  • Middle School: (BY10): 3.00 Understand the concepts of entrepreneurship.

    • BY10 3.02: Understand entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial process.

  • High School: (ME11) 3.00 Understanding market strategies, unique value propositions, competitive advantage, and customer segments.

    • ME11 3.03: Explain the concept of market and market identification.

Respond to the following challenge and reflective questions on slides 16-17 of your Passport Book!

Challenge 1: Create a GRASPS activity using the skills you have learned for designing curricular units of study.

Challenge 2: What high-yield strategies will you utilize to get 80% of the class to mastery level on summarizing and finding the main idea? (80% is 20 students).

Strategy or Strategies you’ll use:

Explanation of selected strategy:

Will you be more of a tour guide or travel agent in using this strategy?