Strategy 1: GRASPS

For an overview of the G.R.A.S.P.S. strategy, please watch the video below and reach the description provided. Once you have watched the video and read the introductory information (to the right of the video), continue reading the remaining information on this page before completing the Passport Book Activity!

Closed Captioning available by pushing the CC button found at the bottom of the video.


Engaging scenarios are a great way to introduce new learning experiences. Providing students with purpose-driven scenarios can serve as a great motivator. GRASPS is a strategy used to create engaging learning scenarios.

(Video Length- 1:32 )

G: a real-world goal

R: a meaningful role for the student

A: an authentic (or simulated) real-world audience

S: a contextualized situation that involved real-world application

P: student-generated culminating products and/or performances

S: consensus-driven success criteria or standards

For more information visit: Revisiting GRASPS: a model for project based learning.

G.R.A.S.P.S. Example

Engaging Scenario Example: Grade 8 Science Unit

Matter and Energy

You are a talented reporter who works for a media giant that owns the local newspaper and television stations (situation). As you come into work, there is a breaking new story. A scientist has created a brand-new substance that is indestructible, strong as steel, lighter than plastic, and biodegradable. THIS IS HUGE!

The managing editor (audience) rushes up to you in a panic. The anchorperson is sick, the editorial cartoonist is missing, and the science editor is on vacation. You (role) have to save the day! You must find the best way to inform the public by creating the newscast and the editorial cartoon strip (products). Unfortunately, you don't know an atom from a hole in the ground, let alone anything about matter or energy. How can you find out (challenge)?

Task 1: Draw a model of an atom.

Task 2: Compare and contrast an atom of one element to another.

Task 3: Design or create a model or drawing that illustrates the transformation of energy into different forms

Task 4: Create a category for a Jeopardy! game based on the periodic table.

Task 5: Write a newscast in which you address each of our Essential Questions included in the task directions; prepare a list of criteria for your newsroom manager to assess your work. Or, draw an editorial cartoon strip that illustrates each of our Essential Questions; prepare a list of criteria for your managing editor to assess your work.

(Ainsworth & Donovan, 2019, p. 169)

Passport Book Activity #12

Please complete the activity on Slide 14 in the Passport Book

Using a chosen Common Core standard and learning objective, create a G.R.A.S.P.S. scenario that will engage your students.

Click 'Next' below to travel to Destination 3 for more information on Strategy #2: Units of Study.!