Destination 2: What is the importance of Rigorous Curriculum Design

Rigorous Curriculum Design and the 12 Step Process

Please watch the video and read the the information to the right of the video before proceeding to the rest of the page!

Video Length - 1:49

Closed Captioning available by pushing the CC button found at the bottom of the video.

Why Is rigorous curriculum design important to educators?

A rigorous curriculum design is an extensive set of purposedly aligned components that are organized into units of study. Each unit forms a detailed road map as well as a high-quality educational delivery system that ensures that all students meet the desired goals of achieving the designated grade- or course-specific standards within a particular content area.

This deliberate alignment between standards, instruction, and assessment, and the inclusion of both rigor and relevance in the design process raises the level of teaching and learning so that students are prepared for the future with skills that “drive knowledge economies: innovation, creativity, teamwork, problem solving, flexibility, adaptability, and a commitment to continuous learning” (Hargreaves & Shirley, 2009).

International Center for Leadership in Education. (2022). Rigorous curriculum design: The need for a roadmap to deep learning. Houghton: Mifflin Harcort.

Ainsworth, L., & Donovan, K. (2019). Rigorous curriculum design: How to create curricular units of study that align standards, instruction and assessment. (2nd ed.). Rexford: International center for leadership in education.

For more information visit: Rigorous Curriculum Design: A Roadmap for Creating a Cohesive, Comprehensive, and Relevant Curriculum

Passport Book Activity #8

Please complete the activity on Slide 10 in the Passport Book

Using the two words provided in your passport book on slide 10, fill in the blank in the following sentence: "So, even though it is designed for ___________ to implement, it is also very _____________________ as well."

After viewing the video, respond to the following question in your own words: What is the purpose of rigorous curriculum design?

Once you have completed Passport Book Activity #8, continue reading the rest of the information on the page and complete Passport Book Activity #9 before proceeding to the next page!

12 step process to design curricular units:

1. “Unwrap” the Unit Priority Standards.

2. Create a Graphic Organizer.

3. Decide the Big Ideas and Essential Questions.

4. Create the End - of - Unit Assessment.

5. Create the Unit Pre – Assessment.

6. Identify Additional Vocabulary Terms, Interdisciplinary Connections, and 21st - Century Learning Skills.

7. Plan Engaging Learning Experiences (Authentic Performance Tasks).

8. Gather Instructional Resource Materials.

9. Recommend Effective Instruction, Differentiation, Intervention, Special Education, and English Language Learner Strategies.

10. Detail the Unit Planning Organizer.

11. Create Informal Progress - Monitoring Checks.

12. Write the Weekly Plan and Design the Daily Lessons.

For more information visit: The process of building a unit.

Passport Book Activity #9

Please complete the activity on Slide 11 in the Passport Book

Please complete a reflection responding to the following question:

Which of the 12 steps of rigorous curriculum design is a strength for you? Explain.

What step(s) do you need to improve? Explain.

Click 'Next' below to travel to the Destination 3: Engaging and Relevant Teaching Strategies page!