Wrap Up Activities

Thus far in this PLM, you have learned about multiple strategies to engage student learners! You learned about units of study, G.R.A.S.P.S., activation, collaboration, metacognition, communication, and activation strategies that are high yield and engage student learners. After being introduced to this information, you were also asked to apply what you learned to scenarios provided. In the following activity, please reflect again on your initial thoughts questions and document how those answers have changed, expanded, or stayed the same!

Passport Book Activity #20

Reflecting on all you have learned and all the activities you have completed, please complete the activity on Slide 23 in the Passport Book!

When is an appropriate time to be a "travel agent" as a teacher? When is an appropriate time to be a "tour guide" as a teacher?

How have your answers stayed the same, changed, or expanded?

Once you have completed the Wrap-Up Activity, please continue to the next page and complete the Final Assessment Activity!

Click 'Next' to travel to the Assessment section to complete your final activity required for this PLM!