Destination 2: What is Rigorous Curriculum Design?

Please watch the video. As you watch pay attention to the components that make up the "big picture" of rigorous curriculum design. Then, read the information to the left of the video. After completing those two tasks, continue below and complete Passport Book Activity #6!

Closed Captioning available by pushing the CC button found at the bottom of the video.

Video Length: 3 minutes 38 seconds

Rigorous Curriculum Design: The Big Picture

Rigorous curriculum is a comprehensive set of strategically aligned factors that are comprised of discernable learning outcomes with coordinating evaluations, engrossing learning proficiencies, and instructional methodologies (Ainsworth & Donavon, 2019). The framework of rigorous curriculum design contributes to pertinence while sequencing standards, evaluations, and lessons.

Ainsworth , L., & Donovan, K. (2019). Rigorous curriculum design: How to create curricular units of study that align standards, instruction and assessment. (2nd ed.). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Passport Book Activity #6

Please complete the activity on Slide 8 in the Passport Book

After watching the video:

  • What does rigorous curriculum design begin with?

  • The video mentions the following components common formative pre-assessment & data teams analysis; effective teaching strategies with progress monitoring; common formative post-assessment; and enrichment, remediation, and interventions prior to next unit. Which one is an area of growth for you?

Once you have completed Passport Book Activity #6, continue reading the rest of the information on the page before proceeding to the next page!

Why is a rigorous curriculum important and necessary?

  • A rigorous curriculum always provides space for new topics and adapts to our changing world.

  • Rigorous curriculum design is student-centered and friendly to create a motivating learning-classroom to enhance success for students.

Rigorous curriculum provides:

      • Practical world conditions for learners to make lessons relatable.

      • Diverse learning.

      • Collaborative approaches in lessons to partner students, teachers, and schools, families, and communities.

      • Goals that are measurable and achievable.

      • Flexible atmospheres within the class.

For more information visit: Why does rigorous curriculum matter more than ever now?

Passport Book Activity #7

Please complete the activity on Slide 9 in the Passport Book

  • Brainstorm other ways rigorous curriculum design could be important and necessary.

  • What other positive impacts could rigorous curriculum design have on education? In your classroom?

Click the "Next" button to travel to the 'Destination 2: What is the importance Rigorous Curriculum Design' page and Passport Book Activity 8!