
Please read the background information and watch the video about Self Reported Grading before continuing to the Passport Book Activity!

(Video Length- 1:32)

Closed Captioning available by pushing the CC button found at the bottom of the video.

Self Reported Grading

In 5 to Thrive Pijanowski's Metacognition category includes John Hattie's Visible Learning (2018) highest effect size of Self Reported Grades. This high-yield instructional strategy has the potential to grow students by more than three years.

As you watch the video, think of ways that you can use Self Reported Grades in your classroom.

Once you have completed the video, complete the Passport Book Activity before proceeding to the next page!

Passport Book Activity #16

Please complete the activity on Slide 18 in the Passport Book

Upload an image of a rubric for an activity that the student and teacher can both access their learning.


Click 'Next' below to travel further into Destination 4 for more information on Communication Strategies!