Destination 4

Read through the introductory information provided below before proceeding to the next page. The information below relates to high-yield impact strategies that increase student engagement and achievement!

According to John Hattie's (2018) Visible Learning, 250 influences on student achievement can yield a positive or negative impact on student achievement. Out of these influences, many instructional strategies incorporated into day-to-day instruction can positively impact a student's achievement and increase academic readiness by more than one year's growth, all while in a student's current grade level. Lissa Pijanowski studied Hattie's 250 influences and developed "5 to Thrive" to help educators easily apply high-yield impact strategies to each section of their lesson.

The goal of this section is to:

  1. Provide each of Pijanowski's 5 to Thrive categories and the high-impact instruction strategy from each category that educators can readily apply to their instruction.

  2. Allow educators to determine which high-yield instructional strategy can move them from travel agent to tour guide.

The graphic on the left depicts Lissa Pijanowski's 5 important areas within a teacher's instruction that deepen student learning. Some strategies, which increase student achievement by one or more years have been numbered with John Hattie's Barometer of Influence. Each strategy above .40 can greatly influence student achievement

Click 'Next' to travel further into Destination 4 for more information on Activation Strategies!