
Please read the background information and watch the video about the Jigsaw Method before continuing to the Passport Book Activity!

(Video Length- 6:23 )

Closed Captioning available by pushing the CC button found at the bottom of the video.

Providing students with an opportunity to collaborate increases learning and engagement during the learning process. According to John Hattie (2018) the Jigsaw method which is often used as a collaboration strategy has a 1.20 high effect size.

Watch the video to learn several tips and strategies on how to incorporate the Jigsaw Method in your classroom.

Once you have completed the video, complete the Passport Book Activity before proceeding to the next page!

Passport Book Activity #15

Please complete the activity on Slide 17 in the Passport Book

Create a scenario in which you use the jigsaw method in your classroom.

    • Your scenario must include:

      1. A text

      2. A collaboration (group of 2 or 3 at least)

      3. What strategy would you use to include an odd number of students?

Click 'Next' below to travel further into Destination 4 for more information on Metacognition Strategies!