
Please read the background information and watch the video about Inquiry-Based Learning before continuing to the Passport Book Activity!

(Video Length- 4:16 )

Closed Captioning available by pushing the CC button found at the bottom of the video.

Inquiry-Based Learning

Inquiry-Based Learning allows students to apply their learning through questions that occur through curiosity and self-discovery. Pijanowski includes this .40 effect size strategy in her 5 to Thrive theory as an effective strategy that can boost student achievement in just one school year.

Watch the video to learn about how Wildwood IB World Magnet School uses inquiry-based learning in their school.

Once you have completed the video, complete the Passport Book Activity before proceeding to the next page!

Passport Book Activity #18

Please complete the activity on Slide 20 in the Passport Book

Based on your subject area, what topic of study can you use in your classroom that can incorporate inquiry-based learning?


Middle School Science: Our Ocean's Plastic Problem

Middle School ELA: Real vs Fake News in Our Digital World

Middle School Social Studies: Effective Leadership in History

Middle School Math: Math's role in Solving Poverty

Click 'Next' below to travel to Destination 5 to complete a summative activity applying the information you have learned thus far!