
Please read the background information and watch the video about Guided Learning before continuing to the Passport Book Activity!

(Video Length- 3:46 )

Closed Captioning available by pushing the CC button found at the bottom of the video.

Guided Learning

To understand what students have grasped from the teacher's direct instruction, it is important to include communication opportunities from teacher to student. Pijanowski incorporates John Hattie's Visible Learning (2018) high effective size strategy Guided Learning, which yields an effective size of .68, into her 5 to Thrive for teachers to use as a tool for effective instruction.

Watch the video to learn about guided learning and several strategies to include in this section of your lesson planning.

Once you have completed the video, complete the Passport Book Activity before proceeding to the next page!

Passport Book Activity #17

Please complete the activity on Slide 19 in the Passport Book

Which guided learning strategy can you use as a travel agent or as a tour guide in your classroom? Justify your answer.

Which guided learning strategy would you use for struggling students? Which for advanced students? Justify your answer.

Click 'Next' below to travel further into Destination 4 for more information on Application Strategies!