

This information site contains procedures and information necessary during the school year, such as procedures related to status of residence, procedures for leaving and re-entering Japan, procedures for military leave of absence, and dormitory information (please check the "International Student Handbook" for more details).



2024 International Student Orientation for Degree-seeking International Students

→Click here for the document

当日のオンデマンド視聴はこちら/ on-demand video is here




① 最新の在留カードをIRISに必ずアップロードしておくこと (更新後、また、住所変更時も忘れずアップロードしてください)

② 在留資格を変更した(する)場合、退学・休学・海外への留学など在学状況の変更が発生する場合、必ず国際センターに連絡すること


<IMPORTANT> To all international students

Rikkyo University is required to report the Immigration Bureau and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) regarding the enrollment status of international students, including students who have been withdrawn, expelled, or whose whereabouts are unknown. For this purpose, all international students must follow:

① Upload the latest residence card to IRIS (After renewal of a residence card or change of address in Japan)

② If you change(d) your status of residence, withdraw from school, take a leave of absence, or study abroad, make sure to notify the International Office of any changes in your enrollment status.

Staying in Japan beyond the period of stay, or staying in Japan with a residence card with "Student" status upon graduation, leave of absence, or withdrawal from school, is considered as illegal and may result in deportation.

■2024年度学期復学予定の方へ 【202464日更新】

在留資格認定証明書」交付申請手続き/Application for Certificate of Eligibility 

 →詳細はこちら / English

■在留管理システム(IRIS)の登録/IRIS Registration

 全員必ず登録すること。All students MUST register with IRIS.

 →詳細はこちら / English


■在留期間更新許可申請手続き/Application Procedures for Extension of Period of Stay as a Student

 →詳細はこちら / English

■在留資格変更許可申請手続き/Application for Permission for a Change of Status of Residence 

 →詳細はこちら / English

■奨学金情報/Scholarship Information

 →詳細はこちら(Click here) 

■一時離日・再入国時の手続き/Notification of Leaving Japan & Re-entry

 →詳細はこちら/ English 


 →詳細はこちら / English  


 →詳細はこちら(Click here)

■国際交流寮等のご案内 ※空室状況に応じて掲載します 





■クラブ・サークル紹介/List of Clubs and Circles for International Students

 →詳細はこちら(Click here)

新規入国手続き/Entry Procedures  20243月25日更新


中国(香港・マカオを除く)からの直行旅客便での入国者に対 しては、臨時的な措置として現在実施している「サンプル検査」等を、 他の国・地域からの入国者と同様の有症状者への入国時検査に変更となります。

  Visit Web Japanの検疫手続き(ファストトラック)ボタン削除されます。


【新規入国/New Entry into Japan】:入国に際して、今回の新規入国手続きをする対象は以下の学生です。



 →新規入国手続きに関する詳細はこちら/ English



 →詳細はこちら/ English

■各種問い合わせ先(授業/履修/証明書/学費等)/ Contact Information for Inquiries (Inquiries Concerning Academic Matters, Issuing Certificates, Payment of Academic Fees, etc.)

 →詳細はこちら(Click here) 




2023 International Student Orientation for Degree-seeking International Students

→Click here for the document

当日のオンデマンド視聴はこちら/Click here to watch the day's on-demand video