New Handling of CoE Application

due to the Impact of COVID-19

The Immigration Services Agency of Japan has made an announcement regarding the new handling of applications for the issue of certificates of eligibility due to due to the impact of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

Application documents differ depending on your situation and please read the following information carefully and prepare the necessary documents.

Students whose period of stay expired while outside of Japan and before re-entering

〈Required documents〉

Image file of your previous residence card (front and back both sides)

②Image file of your passport

③Picture data of your ID photo(JPEG or PNG)

※This also applies to those students who have less than one month until the expiry date of their period of stay and who have no prospect of re-entering Japan by the expiry date.

〈Where to submit〉

Request Form for Proxy Application for Certificate of Eligibility (CoE)

As the organization you belong, International Office will apply for a CoE to the Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau on your behalf.