2023 School Events

2022 End-of-Year School Prize Giving and Celebration

8th of December - 9.30 am - 10.30 am.

Ākonga receiving awards will have their whānau notified in confidence a week before the awards take place. Class awards will be presented by kaiako in the last week of term at their discretion in class. 

More information will be posted closer to the event. 

2022 Leavers Farewell

Ākonga leaving us at the end of this year to go to high school or attend another school will be farewelled with a leavers function to be held on Tuesday the 6th of December from 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm. 

A notice will come home shortly from class teachers. 

Matariki Celebration

23rd of June 2022

12.30 pm - 2.00 pm 

Te Umu Kohokohu Whetū Me Te Hautapu

(The Ceremonial oven and Offerings for Matariki)

Here at Rhode Street School, we will be celebrating Matariki with the whole school taking an active role in our own hautapu ceremony.

Ākonga will help prepare an umu kohukohu whetū / hāngī with the right kai for our hautapu. 

Below is each whetū (star) and the kai for that whetū, which will go into our hāngī:

These are all the kai that will go into our hāngī. 

Ideally, a hautapu is timed so that it is cooked by the time Matariki is visible in the morning sky, but being a school, our celebration will coincide with our lunchtime. 

To commence our ceremony, everyone will gather together in our Kai Time Cafe and we start with the karakia provided:

Whanake mai ngā mata o te ariki -            Arise the eyes of our ariki

Whanake mai te tohu o te tau -                  Arise the signs of the year

Whanake mai Matariki hunga nui -            Arise Matariki who gathers the masses!

This verse acknowledges Matariki and the commencement of our ceremony to Matariki, and it brings about a degree of tapu.

The next verse of the karakia acknowledges Pōhutukawa and those of our whānau who have passed since the previous Matariki.


E tū Pōuhutukawa

Te kaikawe i ngā mate o te tau

Haere rā koutou ki te uma o Ranginui Hei whetū i te kete nui a Tāne

Koia rā! Kua whetūrangitia koutou kei aku rau kahu rangi!


Behold Pōhutukawa

Who carries the dead of the year

Onward the departed to the chest of the sky 

To become a star in the Milky Way


This is an opportunity to pause and have a moment to think of our loved ones that have now become whetū (stars) in the bossom of Ranginui.


After we have had time to remember the hunga mate (departed), we start the next part of the karakia, which acknowledges each of the other whetū within Matariki.

We will share the karakia between some of the whānau, each person has an opportunity to do one verse of the karakia – this karakia is wātea (free of restrictions) to all to use (men, women, children).

E tū Tupuānuku

E tū Tupuārangi

Ka matomato ki raro Ka pōkai tara ki runga

Behold Tupuānuku Behold Tupuārangi

Let the earth be lush

Let the sky be full of birds


E tū Waitī

E tū Waitā

Te tini a Tangaroa

Te mano a Hinemoana

Behold Waitī

Behold Waitā

The abundance of the ocean The plenty of the waterways

E tū Waipunarangi

E tū Ururangi

He ua kōpatapata

He hau miri i te whenua

Behold Waipunarangi Behold Ururangi

Give us rain

Give us wind


E tū Hiwaiterangi               (The wishing star)

Te kauwaka o te manako nui

Anei ngā tōmina o te ngākau

Hei whakatinanatanga mau

Behold Hiwaiterangi

The medium of my desires you know what I yearn for please make my dreams come true

Matariki atua ka eke ki runga

Nau mai ngā hua

Nau mai ngā taonga

Nau mai te Mātahi o te tau.     

Matariki has risen

Welcome the fruits of the year

Welcome the many treasures Welcome the New Year           

Tūturu whakamaua kia tīna! Tīna!

Haumi e.

Hui e

Taiki e       


After the closing of the karakia with ‘Taiki e!’ the hāngī is uncovered, or, the pot lid is removed releasing the hautapu within the steam to rise up and feed Matariki, to give Matariki sustenance for the following year.          

If we like, this is now an appropriate time to perform this well-known haka, which acknowledges the hautapu; everybody should join in together, the tapu of the ritenga has now come down in scale, and the tapu has been lifted.

E te kōkōmako e te kōkōmako

Ko te hautapu e rite ki te kai nā Matariki pakia! 

Tapa reireia koia tapa! Tapa konunua koiana tukua 

Hī auē hī!                


 Our thanks and appreciation go out to Dr Rangi Mataamua and Paraone Gloyne for their guidance and kaupapa in helping plan this opportunity for our ākonga, kaiako and whānau.  



We are celebrating Pink Shirt Day on Friday the 27th of May this year due to school photos being held on the 20th of May.

So dress up in pInk and bring a gold coin to donate to Te Whakaruruhau (Waikato Women's Refuge).

Mauri Ora 

School Photos

20th of May 2022

9.00 am to 1.00 pm

Order your tamariki class and individual photos online through www.photolife.co.nz 

Previous School Events 

Wednesday 13th Feb, 2021

Parents and whanau are invited to come and meet our teachers from:

2.00 pm - 6.00 pm

Invitations are coming home and we ask that you reply with the time you can make it please.
See you here whanau. 

School Photos 28th Mar, 2021

Class photos and individual photos will be taken Thursday 28th March:

9.00 am - 12.30 pm

Information packs will come home in early March if you wish to order photos of your tamariki.
Time for a kina whanau?

Sunday 24th Feb


Parents and whanau head along to Claudelands Park and participate in this Hamilton City Council organised event.

10.00 am to Noon

Great prizes, skill based races and good whanau fun promised.


Friday 28th June


Netball - Minogue Park Hockey - Innes Common Rugby - Swarbrick Park Soccer - Bremworth Park

9.00 am to 3.00 pm

Tuesday 2nd July 2020

2.00 pm to 6.00 pm

Meet with your tamariki and kaiako in their classroom to share in their progress and achievement reports.

No appointment necessary. 

Matariki Celebration

Hangi Maara Kai

Friday 5th July 2019

1.00 pm - 1.30 pm

Our Student Council are cooking kumara, riwai and pumpkin grown in our Maara Kai to share with all of our students and staff.
Of course we will add some protein in the form of chicken to compliment the kai's healthy focus.
Students and staff will be invited to share in and celebrate Matariki at lunchtime in the Kai Time Cafe. 
This is a free event for our students and staff only. 

Hamilton West / Rhode Street

Inter-School Sports Challenge

Thursday 1st August 2019

12.00 pm - 2.30 pm

A revival of our sports exchange between Hamilton West School and Rhode Street School kicks off again at Hamilton West and the Gallagher Hockey Centre.
10-a-side rugby / Netball / Soccer / Basketball / Hockey teams will compete for pints to determine the winning school. 
Parents and whanau please come along and support our Year 5 to Year 8 students on the day.

KPMG is hosting a Quiz Night for our school.

Wednesday 7th August 2019

5.30 pm - 9.30 pm

Speight's Ale House Hamilton

Our Wahine are inviting a positive role model in their lives to celebrate our MANA Values at a breakfast made and served by our staff.

School Athletics Day

19 November 2019

9.00 am - 12 noon

Age Groups: 8 to 11

Looking forward to seeing our whanau here to support our tamariki 

Our Tane are inviting a positive role model in their lives to celebrate our MANA Values at a breakfast cooked and served by our staff.

End of Year Prize Giving


11th December 2019

10.30 am - 12.30 pm

Under the Trees

(Or in the Hall if wet)

Performances from  

Kapa Haka


Sistema Orchestra

Come and celebrate with our tamariki their individual achievements.