Policy Reviews


Here you will find policies that are being reviewed and developed by the Board of Trustees

With New Policies:

With Current Policies:

Thank you for your input and time, it is appreciated and helps the Board reflect our school community and its beliefs and views through our policy decision-making. 

2023 Reviews

Term 1: Whānau and parent voice required

Student Attendance (Feedback)

The Education and Training Act 2020 requires that all children six years old and over must attend school. Once enrolled, it is compulsory for children to attend school regularly.

Rhode Street School encourages students to participate fully in school life. Students are expected to attend school when required and to be on time for classes. This policy applies to off-site activities as well, such as EOTC activities.

We monitor the daily attendance of students to:

Parents and guardians also have legal obligations to ensure their children attend school. The school expects parents to:

Absences are usually unjustified unless the student is too sick to attend school, or has suffered a bereavement. Sometimes a student might be out of class but should still be marked present, such as when attending a medical appointment. For a full list of absence codes, see Attendance Matters. Holidays should only be taken during school holidays.

Also, see Attendance Register.

Unacceptable levels of absence

Attendance is monitored through our student management system (SMS), and parents are notified of absences and/or patterns of absences. The school follows up on unacceptable levels of absence (10 half-days per term) and may refer the case to the Attendance Service.

Leaving school during the day

Students may not leave the school during school hours except by special arrangement – for example, a parent's request (verbal or written) for the student to attend a medical appointment. The student must sign out at the office.

If a student becomes ill at school, follow the procedure for sending sick students home.

All teachers must comply with the school's standard schedule. Students should be supervised until they are formally released.

Also, see Missing Student Procedure.

Out-of-school tuition and activities

Any request from a parent for their child to attend a programme or activity off-site during school hours must be made at least one week before the planned event. The request is approved or declined entirely at the discretion of the principal who considers each application on its merits, using the following criteria:

If permission is granted for a student to attend such a programme, they are marked as present for that time, with a comment about their attendance at the programme.

The principal assures the board that student absences are correctly recorded, monitored, and followed up. The principal reports to the board on any annual targets for student attendance. See Self-Review and Board Assurances.



Release history: Term 4 2022, Term 2 2019, Term 3 2018

Last scheduled review Last internal review Term 3 2020

Enrolment (Feedback)

Each child must be enrolled at a registered school by the time they turn six. Once enrolled, students must attend regularly. If the student would benefit from a staggered transition to school, a transition plan can be agreed upon between the child's parents, the principal, and the Ministry of Education.

Because the school has an enrolment scheme, the student's usual place of residence must be in the zone, or the student offered a place through an out-of-zone ballot.

Any child is entitled to be enrolled unless they have been indefinitely suspended from another school. In this case, the board will meet and consider the individual case, and either accept or decline the enrolment. Note that if the board receives a direction from the Ministry of Education to enrol a student excluded from another school, it must comply with the direction.

If a parent wishes to enrol a child with physical disabilities, the school may need to apply for appropriate resources from the Ministry of Education to support the child.

Parents are welcome to arrange an appointment to meet the principal.

Parents complete an enrolment form to provide the school with information for its database. The school completes the enrolment process. The forms, and information booklets for new parents, are available from the main office or the principal.

When the student is enrolled, their relevant details are recorded in the Ministry's ENROL database.

New entrants are encouraged to visit the school before enrolment to ensure a smooth transition to school. Whenever possible advance notification is given to class teachers of new enrolments to their class.

The contact person for preschool visits is the senior junior teacher. Visits can be arranged for any day of the week (mornings preferable). Parents must stay with the child at any pre-enrolment session.


Release history: Term 3 2020

Policy Review Form.pdf