Our Matauranga Learning
"We are all learners at Rhode Street School."
Our learning is ākonga-centred and ākonga voiced in partnership with our kaiako, whānau, hapu, Iwi and the wider community.
Matauranga Māori is taught alongside and strengthens our local curriculum.
Our learning is linked to the New Zealand Curriculum with authentic contexts that engage all learners to utilise the Key Competencies necessary for lifelong learning.
Our learning is meaningful to our community, has a purpose and is well-resourced at all levels.
Our learning is Future Focused and encompasses S.T.E.M.M as a key component in preparing our learners for the world they will live in.
Our learning includes teaching Aotearoa / NZ Histories.
Our learning utilises and embeds Matauranga Māori through the science and numeracy curriculums such as teaching rongoa and pāngarau inanga tinana alongside medicinal medicine and spatial measurements and navigation.
Our learning includes our kaiako and support staff, whanau, and community members actively learning alongside and with our ākonga.
Our learning incorporates real-life experiences, problem-solving and building a better world to live and prosper in as a contributor and as innovators.