Whaea Arti Raju

Tena Koutou

Ko Pirongia te maunga

Ko Waikato te awa

No Indo Fijian toku iwi

Ko Arti ahau

No reira tena koutou

Tena koutou

Tena koutou katoa

Kia ora e te whaanau

I am Whaea Arti and I have been teaching at Rhode Street School for nearly 6 years now.  This year I am in Room 9 teaching the year 7 and 8's which has been an exciting journey. 

I am looking forward to working alongside our ākonga and whānau to better support me in my teaching and planning. 

I want to create an environment which is safe and a culture which is positive so our ākonga are looking forward to coming to school everyday.

I want you to know that I am dedicated to both the education and wellbeing of every tamariki I teach in our class and with positive relationships, this can be achieved.  

My aspiration is to enable our ākonga to build a strong sense of belonging and to continue their love for learning and I believe with everyone's support, and commitment we can do this together.

Arohanui Whaea Arti