Ko wai tātou?

About Us...

When meeting and talking to our ākonga for the first time, many manuhiri to our Kura often comment on how confident, articulate and respectful they are towards others. These same observations are made by our ākonga of their kaiako:

“My kaiako talks with me about my learning” • “My kaiako wants my whānau to have a say and makes it possible” • “Whaea listens to my views and those of my friends” • “Matua shares his views with me and my mates” • “They care about what we think” • “Whaea shares good news (and the not so good) with my parents and whānau” • “My kaiako hears what my parents say, expect and want.”

Modelling as adults how we want our ākonga to be as a collective is captured in our whakatauki (our shared vision)

Our school’s physical environment is attractive and provides pleasant learning spaces for ākonga, kaiako and parents; with our extensive shaded areas (provided by our beautiful well-established trees), an expansive playing field and neighbouring park, two adventure playgrounds, a large astroturf courtyard area, kitchen garden complete with chooks and a wood-fired pizza oven, and attractive native and exotic plantings (numbering in excess of 10,000); we are totally committed to continuing protecting, sustaining and enhancing our learning environments.

Ākonga and kaiako at Rhode Street Primary School are encouraged to adopt and model our MANA Learning Values: 

MANA Values and MANA Tamariki 

The Rhode Street Primary School's learning values are represented by the MANA acronym. 

By being a ‘MANA Tamariki’ and demonstrating these values, ākonga are actively living the Key Competencies of the New Zealand Curriculum and promoting the character and learning qualities desired by our school community. 

The MANA acronym is explained below and it is connected to the learner dispositions and values that form the basis of the learner we aim to grow and nurture at Rhode Street Primary School.

Manaakitanga (Connected learners)- At Rhode Street School Connected Learners respect themselves, others and the environment. They value relationships and how these support their learning. 

Awhi (Collaborative Contributors)- At Rhode Street School Collaborative Contributors know who they are and where they come from and are able to work with and support others to improve their learning. 

Nga manukura (Resilient achievers)- Rhode Street Resilient Achievers’ are strong. They are able to be resilient and confidently persevere and adapt as they strive for excellence in all things.

Ako (Inquiring minds) - At Rhode Street School ‘Inquiring Minds’ are curious and innovative. They ask questions, they reflect and wonder and they think critically and creatively.

MANA Graduate Profile Web Site