
Most of the USS Dauntless' activities happen online, but there are many occasions in which Dauntless crew-members get together in real life to get things done together.

Missions are important, because attending them earns members points towards their next rank promotion.

The list of Missions that are currently sanctioned can be found on the Dauntless Calendar.

How To Run an Away Mission

Are you an Away Team Leader, or have an idea for a Mission you'd like to see happen?
Here's a handy guide to help you with it.

Missions - Official Dauntless Events

In order to qualify as an official Mission, the event must be organised, run or hosted by a Dauntless crew-member. That crew-member must have authorisation from the Command Staff  beforehand for the event to be considered an official Mission. The Command Staff may decide not to grant authorisation, in which case the event will not be regarded as officially recognised by, or affiliated with, the USS Dauntless.

In addition to this, at least two of the following criteria must apply:

If an authorised event fails to meet these other criteria, the Command Staff will evaluate whether or not it will be recognised for rank promotion and other purposes after the fact.

Kinds of Missions

There are three main kinds of events:

Games Night Mission
Virtual Away Mission

Event Chain of Command

Since it is relevant for rank promotion purposes, it is important to establish which member is "in command" of any given event.

Third-party Public Events

An official Dauntless event may be considered an "event within an event". For example, a public airshow would likely not be organised or hosted by a Dauntless crew-member. But a group outing to that airshow might be, and therefore could potentially be considered a Dauntless event if it met with the criteria above. 

These would typically be organised as Away Missions.

Comic Con Africa 2019

Personal Events

Events of a personal nature (birthday parties, weddings, baptisms etc) will generally be refused authorisation by the Command Staff, even if they meet with the other criteria.

Repeating Events

Some events are regular in nature (weekly, fortnightly, monthly etc). These events may be granted authorisation in advance for a given period (a year, for example) only after which will it be necessary for the organiser to seek authorisation again.

Blood Donation Mission

Marketing and Branding

When an event has been authorised, the organiser is welcome to use the USS Dauntless name, logo and other branding material in their marketing for the event. These can be obtained from the Command Staff if required.