From the Star Trek Deep Space Nine Technical Manual

The Ship

The USS Dauntless is not a real Starship. The "Starship" is a metaphor that represents the social and ideological elements that binds the crew together. The crew is the ship.

For a number of thematic reasons, and for fun, STARFLEET chapters select a specific class of Starship from Star Trek to be the symbolic representation of that crew. The founders of the USS Dauntless chose the Defiant Class for this purpose.

Defiant Class Starship

The prototype of this class, the USS Defiant NX-74205, was built as a proof-of-concept - the idea was to create the first ever Federation warship. The design team took the standard layout of a Federation Starship, removed all the unnecessary elements and beefed up what was left as far as possible. The result was an extremely powerful, fast, agile and light "first strike assault cruiser", ideal for intercepting enemy incursions and doing maximum damage ahead of the arrival of heavier ships.

In addition to being an effective combat vessel, the Defiant Class is also perfectly suited to short-range missions, and tend to be tethered to a Starbase. In the case of the USS Dauntless, we are tethered to Starbase 8, the base of operations for SFI's 8th Fleet.


Courtesy of the Daystrom Institute Technical Library


Mass: 355,000 metric tons

Crew Capacity: 50 (150 evacuation limit)


Defense Systems:

Warp Speeds:

Strength Indices (Galaxy class = 1,000):