Earth Day Stained Glass


You wil need the following materials to complete this project.

Follow the instructions below.

1.Once you have gathered your materials, wrap your string around the wire.  Leave a loop hanging out.

2. Put your wax paper over your paper and then place the ring over the world.

3. Gently start pouring some of the green glue where the land would be.  Use your toothpick to move the glue around and out to the edge.  It doesnt need to be perfect.

4.  Once your green is done, start filling in the blue.  Use the toothpick to move the glue out to the edge of the ring.

5. Get a peice of tape and write your name on it, and stick it to your board.  Leave your board on your table, Mr. C. will put it away after it has had a little drying time.

6. Clean up any glue mess left over.