Google Email

As a student at Purdue Global, you are given access to a .edu school Gmail account. This page will provide some helpful tips and guides on using your email. Additionally, students can send emails to their classmates through Brightspace. See instructions on Sending Emails in Brightspace for more information. 

Additional instructions can be found by searching Google's Gmail User Guide.

Please keep the Code of Student Conduct in mind when communicating with others at Purdue Global.

Getting Started with Gmail

Accessing the web-based student email account

You can access your student email account by clicking on the gray envelope in the upper right-hand corner of your Purdue Global homepage. In addition, you can add your email on your mobile device (iOS or Android) and access it outside of Purdue Global device.


Reply/Reply All

Reply will only reply to the sender of the original message. Reply All will reply to all recipients that were included in the original message.  


Forwarding an email will allow you to send the email to a new set of recipients that were not included in the original message.  


Gmail makes attaching files to your messages simple and easy. There are two ways to attach a file in Gmail:

Print a Message

Additional Information

Student email account size limit

Your student email account may not exceed 30GB.

Forwarding emails from a student email account to another email account 

You can automatically forward all of your new emails to another email address or only forward certain emails.