Course Home

The course homepage provides students with easy access to all of the course materials. The course Navbar is a quick way to access Content, Discussions, Assignments, Quizzes, Grades, More Tools, and Help. The course Homepage also includes the navigation for the course modules, Announcements, Calendar, and the Instructor's Profile. 

Course Navbar

The tabs across the top of a Course Homepage will direct students to various sections of the course. These tabs include Content, Discussions, Assignments, Quizzes, Grades, More Tools, and Help. 

A view of the Navbar, with the links highlighted.


A view of the expanded Content menu.


The Discussions tab reveals the Course Forum. This is where students will find all of the Discussion board topics for a course. More information about Discussions can be found in the Discussion section of this guide.

A view of the discussions page.


Click on the Quizzes tab to view a list of Quizzes for the course. More information on Quizzes can be found in the Quizzes section of this guide. 

A view of the Quiz List page.


The Grades tool displays student grades from all graded activities. Students can see individual grades with instructor comments for each grade item and overall comments to the class about the grade item. More about grades is in the Instructor Feedback section of this guide.

A view of the grades screen.


Brightspace Help Resources 

Kaltura Help Resources for Students

Technical Support

Academic Success Center

Academic Integrity

The Help menu from the Brightspace navbar expanded to show all of the menu options. These are: Brightspace Help Resources, Kaltura Help Resources for Students, Technical Support, Academic Success Center, and Academic Integrity.


Widgets are tools that instructors use to provide students with additional course information. These widgets include Announcements, Calendar, Instructor Profile, and Activity Feed. 


Announcements are located on the homepage of each Brightspace classroom and are used to engage students and update them about the course. 

Clicking on the title of an announcement or Read More will expand the announcement. Additionally, clicking Show All Announcements will provide a view of all available Announcements for the course. 

The Announcements Widget, showing two announcements.


The Calendar lists any important dates regarding course activities, such as due dates, and Seminar times. Clicking on a Calendar Event will bring you to the event page for more details. 

The Calendar widget with an example Calendar event.

Instructor Profile

The Instructor Profile will display information provided by your instructor. Clicking on the instructor's name will expand their profile to share more details. 

Multi-Profile Widget, showing the Instructor Profile page.
An example of an Instructor Profile.

Activity Feed

The Activity Feed widget is an area that allows instructors to share files and communicate with students.

Activity Feed widget.