Instructor Feedback

Instructors may leave feedback on student coursework. There are multiple ways for students to view feedback. The steps below will walk students through viewing the feedback provided. 

Accessing Feedback from Grades

grade feedback.mp4

To expand the video size, click the full-screen option on the bottom right.
(Note: This video does not have audio.)

Assignment Feedback

assignment feedback.mp4

To expand the video size, click the full-screen option on the bottom right.
(Note: This video does not have audio.)

Quiz Feedback


To expand the video size, click the full-screen option on the bottom right.
(Note: This video does not have audio.)

Discussion Feedback

Discussion Feedback.mp4

To expand the video size, click the full-screen option on the bottom right.
(Note: This video does not have audio.)

Printing Out a Graded Rubric

On the top right of all rubrics will be an option to Print the rubric. Rubrics will be printed with the Purdue Global logo, Activity name, Course Name, and Student name. This printout will include all rubric criteria, any custom feedback from the instructor for each criterion, and the overall feedback.  

A preview of a printed graded rubric.