

You can view your child or children's Assignments in the Assignments area of Family Access. You can view different types of assignments such as upcoming assignments, missing assignments, and past assignments. You can see details such as the Due Date, assignment name and description, and the staff who assigned the assignment. For example, you could view assignment information to keep up to date with your student or students' classwork. 

A video tutorial for Viewing aSSIGNMENTS

You can select a tile under a specific child’s name or under the View All Students heading. If you wish to select a different student’s information, you can do so by selecting that student’s name at the top left of the screen.

Alternatively, you can navigate to Menu Button -> Family Access -> Gradebook and then select Assignments under Features.

You see the Upcoming Assignments tab of the Assignments screen.

You can select the Missing Assignments tab or the Past Assignments tab if you wish to view your child's missing or past assignments.

For each assignment, you see the Due Date, Attachments, Assignment Name, Course Description, Section Code, Category Description, Weight, Score, Max Score, and Staff.