- Colonial America

- Revolutionary War 

- The Constitution

- Westward Expansion

Google My Maps US History Map

Google My Maps can be used throughout the year to embed content (e.g., shapes, lines, text, pictures, videos) on a Google map. This example map shows important Civil War sites. Here is a list of resources for this project:

Google Earth

Google Earth is great for studying the USA's dynamic geography and regions. Here are some resources:

Explorer Documentaries

Adobe Express and WeVideo can be used to create mini-documentaries about the European explorers. Here are some tutorials and resources:

Cabrillo doc.mp4


- Civil War

- Reconstruction

- The Gilded Age

- World War I

History Websites with Google Sites

Google Sites is a great format for informational writing. Students can insert Google Docs of their writing, customized Google My Maps to show the geographic context of their topic, Google Slides for image galleries––even Google Forms quizzes!

3D Design With TinkerCad

Tinkercad is an easy-to-use 3D CAD design tool. It's a fun way to reinforce geometry concepts grades 4-8, and is great for creating all sorts of 3D models. Tinkercad designs can be rendered using a 3D printer or screencasted to create a "tour" of a design (e.g., CA missions, US Capitol building, Egyptian pyramids, Roman Colosseum).

Pecha Kucha Presentation with Google Slides

Pecha Kucha is a presentation style in which 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each. Because Pecha Kucha presentations are programmed to advance every 20 seconds, the presenter really needs to know their stuff!

Pecha Kucha Gold