Genius Hour

Genius hour is a movement that allows students to explore their own passions and encourages creativity in the classroom. It provides students a choice in what they learn during a set period of time during school.

Step 1: Set Parameters

You may want to establish some rules/parameters so that the kids’ projects are manageable. Examples:

Step 2: Establish a Theme

You can guide Genius Hour by establishing a theme for the kids' projects. This can be helpful for kids who might otherwise struggle to develop an idea, and it also provides structure to Genius Hour. Here are some examples:

Step 3: Schedule Genius Hour

Consider establishing a regular Genius Hour time for the duration of the project (e.g., Friday afternoons). It could also be a choice time/early finisher option if the project isn't too disruptive. Set a deadline for completion so that the project doesn’t sprawl too much. 

Step 4: Launch Genius Hour

Skill Lessons

It is helpful for the kids to have some skills and materials to draw from when creating their projects. Consider teaching mini-lessons covering some or all of the following skills: