Standards of Behavior

Standards of Behavior

The goal of our schools is to develop self-discipline within each child. Classroom teachers, counselors, principal, and other support personnel are committed to helping children achieve this goal. Parents/guardians are encouraged to join us in this endeavor.

The faculty and staff are committed to providing the very best learning environment for all children. We constantly strive to create educational and social experiences that foster academic and personal growth for each student in challenging, caring, and safe schools.

We believe a positive school climate is one in which everyone, adults and students alike, demonstrates kindness, respect, consideration, and politeness to others. Within such a learning environment, individuals must assume responsibility for their own behavior. Consequently, a consistent system across the elementary centers that is educative rather than punitive has been adopted to address inappropriate student behavior. It focuses on acknowledging positive behavior and assisting students to think of the consequences of the decisions, or choices, they make daily.