Health Services

Health Services

Each Elementary school has a full time nurse to support students and staff.

The School Health Law requires physical examinations upon original entry into school and in grades 6 and 11. Dental examinations are required upon original entry and in grades 3 and 7. These examinations may be done by either the school physician or dentist, at no expense to the parents/guardians, or by the family physician or dentist at the parent's/guardian’s expense. Your family physician will advise you about immunization. Family doctor/dentist examination forms are available from the school nurse.

  • Vision screening tests are given each year to every child. All children in grades K, 1, 2, 3, 7, and 11 are given a hearing test. A referral is sent home if any test is failed.
  • Each child is weighed and measured every year. A cumulative health record is kept for each child throughout his/her school career.
  • Parents/guardians of children who have health problems are advised on sources for care.
  • Care given in the school is limited to first aid in accidents and illness until the parent/guardian can be reached to take the child home, to the doctor, or hospital.