13. Backups Contents

13.  Backups 

You should back up your course on a regular basis. Backup data is useful not only for saving data, but also for preparing for the coming year's course by utilizing past resources with reference to the previous year's course. 

13.1  Course backup 

Select "Backup" from "Course administration" in the "Administration" block of the block drawer on the right side of the course screen.

Backups are performed by navigating through the following steps: "Initial settings", "Schema settings", "Confirmation and review", "Perform backup", and "Complete".

Each procedure is explained below.

Initial settings

Select the items to back up and click "Next" at the bottom of the screen. 

Schema settings

Select the topic and items to be backed up for the activities/resources included in the topic, and click "Next" at the bottom of the screen. 

Confirmation and review/Perform backup 

Confirm the backup items and click "Perform backup" at the bottom of the screen to begin the backup. 


If the backup completes successfully, the screen below will be displayed. Click "Continue" to confirm that the backup file has been saved in the "User private backup area". You can also navigate to this screen by selecting "Course Management" > "Restore" in the management block displayed on the right side of the screen. 

If you want to restore course data used in the previous year's Moodle to the new year’s version of Moodle, first download the backup file created here to your own PC. Then, upload the downloaded file to the new year’s version of Moodle and restore it (see the next section for details). 

13.2  Restoring a course 

Select "Restore" from "Course administration" in the "Administration" block located in the block drawer on the right side of the screen to display the restore settings. 

Selecting a backup file to use for a restore

There are two types of backup files used when restoring: (1) a backup file created with the current year's version of Moodle, or (2) a backup file created with a previous years' version of Moodle or another version of Moodle.

Backup files described in (1) will appear in the "User private backup area", so select restore for the file you want to replace. To use backup files described in (2), first upload the backup file to the current year’s version of Chiba University Moodle, and then select restore. 

After confirming the backup file to use, the restore will be performed by navigating through the following steps: "Destination", "Settings", "Schema", "Review", "Processing", and "Completion". Begin by confirming the contents of the backup file and then click "Continue" at the bottom right of the screen. 


Here you will set the restore destination. You can restore the data to the current course or a different course you operate as a teacher. In addition to the restore destination, select the method of data restoration. There are two restoration methods: keep existing data and add backup data (addition), or delete existing data and add backup data (overwrite). 


Select the items to restore and click "Next" at the bottom of the screen.


Select the topics and the items to be restored for the activities/resources included in the topics, and click "Next" at the bottom of the screen. 


A confirmation screen will be displayed. After confirming, click "Execute restore" at the bottom right of the screen to begin the restore.

If the restore is successful, the screen below will be displayed.