12.  Checking activity logs Contents

12.  Checking activity logs 

You can check activity logs saved in Moodle to grasp the activity status of students in the course. Activity logs in Moodle can also be used to check the access status of course content or the access status of students for specific content in addition to basic activity history displayed in chronological order. 

12.1  Course log 

This section explains the "Log", "Live log", "Activity report", "Course participants", and "Activity completion" features that show activity status in the course. 


1. Click "Reports" from the course navigation on the course screen. 

2.Click "Logs" from the list of logs that can be displayed. 

3.Specify the log conditions to be displayed.

Normally, the required logs can be acquired by specifying columns A, B, and C.

Specify the necessary items and click "Acquire these logs".

A: The course name is displayed. (Cannot be changed).

B: Specify the participants. You can select specific students.

C: Specify the date.

D: Select the type of activity.
 You can select from resources/activities in the course.

E: You can select the actions you want to display. Choose from "All actions", "Create", "View", "Update", "Delete" or "All changes".

F: You can select the source of the action for the change in Moodle, but you do not need to change this item.

G: You can select from "All events", "Teaching", "Participating", or "Other", but you do not need to change this item.

4.The log will be displayed.

The "Download" button at the bottom allows you to download the file in a specific format.

Live log 

Selecting "Live log" will display the activity log for the past hour in the course. The content displayed is the same as that of the activity log. 

1.Click "Reports" from the course navigation on the course screen. 

2.Click "Live logs" from the list of logs that can be displayed. 

3.The live log (activity log for the past hour) will be displayed.

You can temporarily stop the log from updating by clicking "Pause live updates". The updated logs will be displayed together after you update them using "Resume live update".

Activity report

Select "Activity report" to display the viewing status of course content.

1.Click "Reports" from the course navigation on the course screen. 

2.Click "Activity report" from the list of logs that can be displayed. 

3.The activity report will be displayed. 

Course participation 

Select "Course participation" to display student participation status for specific course content. You can set the criteria for the participation status to be displayed. 

1.Click "Reports" from the course navigation on the course screen. 

2.Click "Course participation" from the list of logs that can be displayed. 

3.Specify the course participation log conditions to be displayed.
Specify the necessary items and click "Go".

A: Select the course content and resources/activities for which you would like to acquire a course participation log.

B: Specify the period of time (past days, past weeks, etc.) for which you would like to acquire a course participation log.

C: Specify the role of the participant for whom you would like to acquire a course participation log.

D: Select the type of activity. Select from "All actions," "View," and "Post".

E: If you have set up groups in the course, specify the group for which you would like to acquire the course participation log.

4.The "Course participation" log will be displayed. 

5.The "Course participation" log will be displayed. 

6."To selected users" can also be used to send a message to multiple selected users at once. For example, you can send a message to students who have not taken a quiz just before the deadline, to urge them to do so. 

Activity completion 

If you enable "Completion tracking" in "Edit Settings" under course management and set "Activity completion" for each resource/activity, you can check the completion status of activities in the students’ course. There will be a check shown in the completed activity field. 

1.Click "Report" from the course navigation on the course screen. 

2.Click "Activity completion" from the list of logs that can be displayed. 

3.The activity completion status will be displayed. 

12.2  Activity logs of each student 

The previous section showed how to acquire logs related to a course or course content, but it is also possible to display the activity status of a specific student. You can display "Today's log" "All logs," "Outline report," "Detailed report," and "Grading summary". 

Choosing a student 

1.Click "Participants" from the course screen. 

2.Click the participant whose report you want to see from the list displayed, and the student's individual page will be displayed. 

Displaying a report 

On the displayed student's individual page, select the report you wish to view from the "Report" field indicated by the red frame. 

Today’s log and all logs

The screen shown in the figure is the "All logs" screen.

Outline report 

Complete  report 

Grades overview

The course name will be displayed, and clicking on it will display the grading report of the participant (student) you specified. 

Checking video (SCORM package) viewing status

SCORM packages used on the video management site (HLS) are given a score according to the position of the slider, and when the video is watched all the way to the end, the score will be 100, so you can check viewing status by choosing to "Prohibit" "Skip playback" in the SCORM package settings.

You can check viewing status by checking the score in the SCORM "Report".

To check viewing status with more details, you can follow the same procedure as in "12.1 Course log" to acquire a video viewing log.

Acquiring a video viewing log

1. Click "Report" from the course screen.

2. Select "Logs" from the box displayed.

3. Specify the log criteria.

A: The course name is displayed.
  (Do not change)
B: Make a selection here to specify a specific student.

C: Make a selection here to specify a specific date.

D: Make a selection here to specify a specific video.

E, F, and G do not have to be specified.