02.  Publication of materials Contents

2. Publication of materials 

In Moodle, content intended mainly for viewing, such as lesson material files and websites related to lessons, are called "Resources".

By using the modules included in the resource, you can edit text in Moodle, as well as present materials in various file formats such as PDF files, Word files, and PowerPoint files to students, and link to useful websites.

2 . 1   Uploading files

This section explains how to post lesson material files to a course. There are two ways to upload a file. One is to drag and drop the file to upload it (Method 1). If the browser you are using does not support drag and drop, from "Add activity or resource," select "File" and upload the file (Method 2). 

Method 1: Upload using drag and drop 

1.Click the "Edit mode" button at the top right of the course screen to switch to edit mode. 

2.Drag and drop the file you wish to upload to the topic area in the course. After the progress is displayed, the file upload will complete. 

3.The file has been uploaded. 

You can also upload multiple files using drag and drop. However, when uploading an entire folder, it is convenient to do so using a Zip file described later. 

 《A cautionary note about file names

To prevent printing errors on educational devices,
if you use Japanese for the name of the file to be uploaded to Moodle, please keep the file name within 27 characters. 

Changing the display method 

After uploading a file, to change its display method or other settings, click the "" button on the right side of the file you just uploaded and then "Edit settings". You can adjust various settings as needed such as the file name and description. The display method can be changed from "Hide" under "Appearance". By default, it is set to "Open". Other possible selections include "Automatic", "Embed", "Force Download", and "Pop-up". However, caution must be used with "Automatic" and "Embed" because the file may not scroll properly when being viewed on a tablet, etc. Selecting "Hide" under "Edit" will make the file invisible to students. Upon doing so, the file field will be grayed out and labeled "Hidden from students" on the teacher's screen. 

Method 2: Upload by selecting a file from resources 

After launching edit mode, click the topic "Add an activity or resource" to display available activities/resources.

Select "File" from the menu to display the file upload settings screen. 

1.Enter the file name to display in the course from "Name" under "General". 

2.Add  the icon to add a file.

3.The file picker will be displayed. After selecting

A. "Upload a file", select the file to be published from

B. "Attachment". If you wish to change the file name when uploading, choose "Save as" and enter the new name. After selecting the file, click

C. "Upload this file". 

4.Confirm that the file has been added to the file field, and click "Save and return to course" at the bottom of the screen. 

5.The file is posted to the course topic. 

2.2  Uploading videos 

Video files (MP4 format, etc.) cannot be uploaded to Moodle as they are.
Be sure to use the HLS video management site to create a SCORM package before uploading videos to Moodle.

◆HLS video management site

You can log in to the HLS video management site with the same ID and password (user number and password for the integrated authentication system) you use for Chiba University Moodle.
The manual of the HLS video site can be viewed from the top page after logging in to the HLS video site once. > HLS video management site

HLS video management site point of contact

The Smart Office is the contact point for inquiries regarding how to use the HLS video management site. > Point of contact

Uploading to Moodle

SCORM packages can be downloaded as a Zip file from the HLS video management site.
Please upload such files to Moodle as they are without decompressing them.

◆Usage precautions

If you need to check the viewing status such as when making the viewing of a video an attendance requirement, be sure to publish the video as a "SCORM package". Viewing status is only recorded when viewed as a SCORM package.

Please note that viewing status is not recorded for "Privately published URLs".

> How to check viewing status of videos (SCORM packages) 

Method 1: Upload using drag and drop 

1.Click the "Edit mode" button at the top right of the course screen to switch to edit mode. 

2.Drag and drop the SCORM package created on the HLS video management site to the topic area of the course.
Upload the SCORM package as a Zip file without decompressing it. 

The progress will be displayed. Select "Add SCORM package" and then click the upload button to complete

3.The file has been uploaded. 

Method 2: Upload by selecting a file from resources 

After launching edit mode, click the topic "Add an activity or resource" to display available activities/resources. Select "SCORM Package" from the menu and click "Add" to display the file upload settings screen. 

1.Enter the file name to display in the course from "Name" under "General". 

2.Click the icon to add a file. 

3.The file picker will be displayed. After selecting
A. "Upload a file", select the file to be published from
B. "Attachment". 

After selecting the file, click
C. "Upload this file".

Select the SCORM package as a Zip file without decompressing it. 

4.Confirm that the file has been added to the file field, and click "Save and return to course" at the bottom of the screen. 

5.The file is posted to the course topic. 

2.3  Uploading folders 

You cannot upload folders directly with Moodle, but you can compress and decompress them on the server using Zip files, enabling you to upload them to Moodle by preparing the folder you want to upload as a Zip file in advance. This method allows batch uploading of multiple files organized in folders. 

Upload Zip files by drag and drop.

Click the "Edit mode" button at the top right of the course screen to switch to edit mode. Drag and drop the Zip file prepared in advance to the course and upload the file (A). When you upload the file, you will be prompted to select a process (B). 

If you select "Extract files and create a folder" (1), a folder generated after extracting the Zip file will be posted in the course. 

On the other hand, if you select "Create file resource" (2), the Zip file will be posted as it is. Click on "Handouts" to start the download. 

2.4  Usage restrictions 

There is an option labeled as "Usage restrictions" on the settings screen of posted materials (select "Edit"> "Edit settings"), and it allows you to set usage conditions for content such as materials. In the condition settings for restricting usage, you can select and set "Date", "Scoring", "Group", "User profile", and "Restriction set", but this section will explain how to use "Date" to set the usage period of content. 

A. Click "Edit mode" at the top right of the screen. 

B. Click " " to the right of the content such as the material, and select the "Edit settings" gear mark from the displayed menu. 

C. Click "Restrict access" from the displayed screen. 

D.Click "Add restriction ...". 

E.You can limit the timing of the publication/Due date of an assignment for students by clicking "Date" and setting the "Start" and "End" dates and times in the Date field.

* "Activity completed" is displayed only when there is a module for which "Activity completed" is set in the course.

F. Set the start date and time field by selecting "from" from the pull-down menu.

G. Click "Add restriction ...".

H. Set the date and time field to "until" from the pull-down menu to set the Due date.

I. About the "eye icon." An open eye icon means that the item is visible to the student. Click the icon to hide the item from the student.  

J.Click "Save and display". 

K. "Start date and time" and "Due date" will be displayed on the teacher's screen.

L. Prior to the start date and time, only "start date and time" is displayed on the student screen, and the "Due date" will not be displayed. When the start date and time has passed, the "start date and time" display will disappear.

*Note: On the student screen, the "Due date" will not be displayed until it has passed.

Therefore, it is recommended to indicate the Due date in the "Explanation" section and to check the option for "Display explanation on course page" to make students aware of the display period on the screen.