11.  Using the grading table Contents

11.  Using the grading table 

Each activity in Moodle is individually graded, but activities can be viewed collectively in the grading table. With the grading table, as explained in section 11.2, it is also possible to grade activities assigned in and outside of Moodle together, including activities other than those in Moodle. 

11.1  Totaling and managing scores 

The grade assigned to each piece of content is calculated using the grading table (grader's report) displayed in the "Grades" feature of Moodle. In addition, you can adjust grading table settings in "Gradebook setup" found in the settings tab. 

By default, Chiba University Moodle hides the grading table from students. If you want to enable students to be able to check their grades (user reports), change the settings described later (see section 11.2). However, even if the grading table is hidden, students can check their scores for individual activities (assignments, quizzes, etc.) in each assigned activity content.

Displaying the grading table (grader report) 

Click "Grades" from the context navigation of the course screen to display the "Grader report".

A list of users and activities that can be graded is displayed. In addition, the grade for each activity is displayed.

Selecting a totaling method 

You can choose how to calculate the total in the grading table.

Click "Grades" in the context navigation of the course screen to display the grading table.

Click on the box labeled "Grader report" to open the menu of operations for the grader report, then click on "Gradebook setup". 

The grading table setup screen will be displayed.

Click "Edit" on the far right of the course name (in this case "2023 – First time using Moodle") and select "Edit grades" from the drop-down menu that appears.

※Upon doing so, thecolumn will show the currently selected totaling method.

The "Edit category" screen will be displayed.

Click the box next to "Total" to display the calculation methods that can be used for totaling. Select an appropriate method.

Selectable calculation methods include:

Average of score

Weighted average of score

Simple weighted average of score

Average of score (additional points)

Median of score

Minimum value of score

Maximum value of score

Mode of score


Natural: Sum of score

Do not check the box "Exclude blank scores". If you check this box, the calculation results will not include activities that the student did not take/respond to (e.g., quizzes not taken). 

"Simple weighted average of score" and "Average of score"

With "Simple weighted average of score", the weight when taking the weighted average is calculated as the "maximum score - minimum score" of each grade item.

For example, for grading items A1 and A2 (minimum score: 0, maximum score: 100) and A3 (minimum score: 0, maximum score: 10), the weight of A1, A2, and A3 is 100, 100, and 10, respectively. 

Now, when the scores of A1, A2, and A3 are set to 80, 90, and 5, respectively, the ratio of the scores for the "Simple weighted average" is
Therefore, if 100.00 is considered a perfect score for the "Course total", the "Course total" will be 83.33.

On the other hand, the ratio of scores in the case of an "Average score" is
Therefore, the "Course total" is 73.33. 

Adjusting settings to allow students to check their grading table (user report) 

Click "Settings" from the context navigation of the course screen to open the course settings screen.

Under "Appearance", change "Show gradebook to students " to "YES" and click "Save and display". 

"Grading" will also appear in the context navigation on the student's course screen and can be selected. 

A grading table (user report) will be displayed, listing your scores in the course. 

11.2  Managing grades of tests given outside of Moodle 

It is possible to manage scores using the grading table for tests given outside of Moodle, such as mid-term exams. 


1. Click "Grading" in the context navigation to select it, then click on "Grading table setup" from the box that appears to display the "Grading table setup" screen. 

2. Click "Add new grading item" on the screen to display the "New grading item" setting screen. 

3. In the "New grading item" screen, set the necessary items such as "Item name" and "Maximum (minimum) score" and click "Save changes" to save the settings. 

4. The items entered above will be added to the grading table. 

Inputting grades 

Enter the score for the grading item (here, the mid-term exam) added to the grading table.

1. Open "Gradebook setup" by clicking "Grades" in the context navigation of the course screen. 

2. Click "Edit mode" at the top right of the screen to begin editing, and then enter the score in the blank of the newly added grading item. To save the grade, click "Save changes" at the bottom left of the table. If you want to add a comment in addition to the score, click the gear icon on the upper right of the blank and enter it in "Feedback" on the displayed screen. 

3. Enter the grade in the space provided for the added grade item.

To save the grades. Click "Save changes" in the lower left corner of the table. If you want to add a comment in addition to the grade, click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the blank column and write your comment in the "Feedback" field. 

4. Click "Exit edit mode" at the top right of the screen to finish your input. 

Overall grading changes 

In the grading table, you can change not only the grading items added as described above, but also scores related to activities in Moodle and feedback comments in general. However, if you change scores or feedback comments in the grading table, the score or feedback comment added in the original activity will be overwritten and you will not be able to enter it from the activity content afterwards (grading table changes will be prioritized). 

11.3  Using calculation formulas 

You can also use a calculation formula to calculate the "Course total", which is the total of each grade item. 

1.  Click to select "Grading" in the context navigation, then click on "Gradebook setup" from the box that appears to display the "Gradebook setup" screen. 

2. Select "Edit calculation" from "Edit" under "Course total". 

Note) Values calculated using a calculation formula will not exceed the perfect score of the course total (100.00 on the screen). 

3.   Give a name (ID numbers) to the item to be used in the formula.

The items that can be used in the calculation are displayed.

In the box next to the item, enter a name for the calculation and click "Add ID Numbers" to save the ID number. 

4.   Enter the calculation formula in the "Calculation" field using the ID number registered in 3.

The formula starts with "=". ID numbers in the formula are enclosed in [[...]].

Click "Save changes" to save, and the changes will be reflected in the "Course total" of the grader report. 

 Calculation formula examples 

Here, it is assumed that Assignment 01 (Kadai01), Assignment 02 (Kadai02), and Quiz 01 (Quiz01) have been completed (numbers in parentheses are ID numbers; It is assumed that the perfect score for Assignment 01 and Assignment 02 is 100 points, the perfect score for Quiz 01 is 10 points, and the perfect score for the course total is 100). 

Ex 1) Simple total calculation:


Note) The result of the calculation does not exceed the perfect score of the "Course total". 

Ex 2) Average score calculation:


Ex 3) Calculation when the average score of Assignment 01 and Assignment 02 is calculated only when Quiz 01 is a perfect score, and when 0 points are given if the Quiz 01 is not a perfect score:


Main functions that can be used 




sum(Value 1, Value 2, ...)


average(Value 1, Value 2, ...) 

Maximum value: 

max(Value 1, Value 2, ...) 

Minimum value: 

min(Value 1, Value 2, ...)


mod(Value, Divisor) 


power(Bottom of power, Exponent )

Round off: 

round(Value, Digits after decimal point)

Maximum integer less than or equal to a given real number: 


Minimum integer greater than or equal to a given real number: 


Square root: 


Absolute value: 


Power with e as the bottom: 




Select the totaling method to calculate the "Course total" which totals up the scores of each grade item. The "Simple weighted average of score" is the default setting in Chiba University Moodle. "Exclude blank scores" is also disabled. In this case, items that have not been graded, such as ungraded assignments or quizzes that students have not yet  taken, are treated as zero points.