05. Using questionnaires Contents

5. Using questionnaires 

This section introduces how to conduct a questionnaire using "Feedback", a standard module of Moodle. With feedback, you can create not only multiple-choice questionnaires, but also free-form ones as well. 

5.1  Creating a questionnaire 

Adding feedback/advanced settings

After launching edit mode, click "Add activity or resource" in the topic section to display a list of available activities/resources. Select "Feedback" and click "Add". 

Set the feedback "Name" and its "Description".

Set the feedback period and implementation method (anonymous, display of results) as needed.

A: Allow answers from/Allow answers to

By checking "Yes", you can set the response period at the time of confirmation.

B: Select between anonymous/nominal names for the questionnaire

Select "Anonymous" if you want students to answer anonymously, or "Record usernames and display them with responses" if you want students to include their name.

C: Allow multiple submissions

In the case of anonymous responses, each submission will be treated as a different response, but in the case of recorded usernames, they will be overwritten as a new response.

D: Show analysis page

Select "Yes" if you wish to display to students the aggregated results of the responses. After submitting their answers, students will be able to view the aggregated results of the responses at the time of confirmation. 

E: Completion message

Input the message to display on the screen immediately after students submit a response.

Screen after clicking "Save and display" 

Creating questions

You can add the following items to questions.

*There is a character limit of 255 characters for the question text.

Items that can be added when creating a question 



Used when displaying the explanation etc. as a label.

Multiple choice

Creates a multiple-choice question.

Multiple choice (graded)

You can provide scores for multiple-choice options and average the results. However, this score is not reflected in the student's grade. 


Response time: Displays response date and time.

Course: Displays the course abbreviation (class code) of the course.

Course category: Displays the course category to which the course belongs.

Add page break

Inserts a new page. 

Numerical response 

Allows responses with an integer value in the given range. 

Short answer

You can limit the number of characters that can be entered. The response will only be one line and cannot contain line breaks.

Note) If the return (enter) key is pressed in the short answer field, a response may be unintentionally sent. It is generally recommended to use "Long answer" and set up a free entry field.

Long answer

Multiple lines of sentences can be entered. Used to provide a free entry field.

Next, the procedure for creating a question is explained below.

1.Click the feedback for the content from the course topic activities/resources.

2Select the "Edit question" tab.

① Select "Add question". 

② Click the box in the "Choose..." column to select items to be added as shown in ③. 

Example of how to create a question in multiple-choice format

When selecting "Multiple choice" for a question, proceed as follows.

A: Enter the content of the question in "Question". You can check "Required", to make an answer required.

*There is a character limit of 255 characters for the question text.

B: Input the answer to the question. Enter one answer per line.

C: Click "Save changes" to save the created question.

*: "Label" is used to create an answer-dependent question (see "Creating an answer-dependent question" on the next page). 

Click "Save question" to preview the question you have entered. 

To add a question, select the question type and repeat the process.

Creating answer-dependent questions

The feedback module can also display subsequent questions depending on the answer to a question. As an example, here, a question is being created that leads to Q2 if the answer to Q1 is "Yes" and to Q3 if the answer is "No".

When creating a question for Q1 that is the branch source, a "Label" is set so that it can be referenced from other questions (Q2 and Q3 in this case). When creating questions for Q2 and Q3, which are the branch destinations, use "Depend on the item" so that the question branches depending on the answer to Q1. 

5.2 Displaying and analyzing response results 

You can check aggregated response results and individual responses from each respondent in the setting screen displayed by clicking the feedback icon. 

Analyzing responses 

To display responses, select the "Analysis" tab on the settings screen. For multiple-choice responses, the number of responses to the choices and their ratio are displayed along with a bar graph. In addition, the content of each response is displayed for written responses. The results can be exported to an Excel file. 

1.Select the "Analysis" tab to see the analysis of the responses. 

2.You can download the analysis results as an Excel file by clicking "Export to Excel". 

Displaying individual responses

To view individual responses from each respondent, select the "Responses" tab on the settings screen. If you have changed the "Record username" setting when giving feedback, "Non-anonymous entry" and "Anonymous entry" will be displayed.

The contents of individual responses can also be downloaded as a "CSV file" or "Excel file".

 Displaying non-respondents (only when recording usernames) 

When using the option to record usernames, "Display non-respondents" tab will be added. Select this tab to view a list of students who have not yet responded. You can also select a student and send them a message reminding them to respond.

*If recording and using usernames: When creating a questionnaire in Announcements, if selecting "Record usernames and display them with answers" in the "Question and Answer Settings" section in Announcements

Non-respondents will be displayed and a notification can be sent to prompt them to respond.

5.3   Exporting and importing questions 

If you want to set the same feedback for multiple items in the course (such as for a questionnaire following every lesson), you can easily copy it by using the "Duplicate" content feature (see page 14).

To use created feedback in other courses, you can use "Export/import question" to duplicate the feedback into the other courses. 

Exporting and importing questions

Exporting questions

Click "Export questions" on the edit screen that appears under "Edit question". 

A file named "feedback_XX.xml" will be created in the "Downloads" folder on your computer. 

Importing questions

Open the other course from which you want to import questions. 

Add "Feedback" to the topic you want to import.

Open the other course into which you want to import questions.

Set a name for the feedback and click "Save and display". 

Open the other course into which you want to import questions. 

Click "Edit question" on the Feedback screen that appears. 

Click on the box labeled "Add questions" and select "Import questions". 

Specify the file to be imported. Specify the "feedback_XX.xml" file that you exported earlier.

Select the file from the "Select file" button or drag and drop it into the designated box in the Explorer.

Delete old items: Overwrites existing questions with questions in the template file (existing responses are also deleted).

Add new items: Adds questions from the template file while leaving alone existing questions. 

If the questions are successfully imported, "Imported successfully" will be displayed on the screen.

The imported questions will appear on the screen.