04. Using quizzes Contents

4. Using quizzes  

4-1. Using quizzes: Settings

Quizzes in Moodle can be automatically graded online. Automatic grading also allows you to instantly grasp response status and check quiz results before class so that you can go over the most missed questions in class. 

Moodle supports a variety of question types, as shown in the table on the right. Since it is assumed that students will use the online grading feature in their studies, the types of questions that will likely be used the most include those where a response is chosen from a list such as "Multiple choice", "True/false", and "Matching", as well as "Embedded answers (Cloze)". 

4-1.1 Creating and setting up quizzes 

After launching edit mode, click "Add activity or resource" in the topic section to display a list of available activities/resources. From the options, select "Quiz". 

The settings screen will open, allowing you to set up the quiz. First, enter the name and description of the quiz to be conducted in "General". 

A: Enter the "Name" of the quiz and its "Description".

B: You can set the open date and time of the quiz (it can be set by checking "Yes". The same applies below). 

C: You can set the closing time of the quiz. The quiz can only be taken up until the "Close the quiz".

D: You can assign a quiz with a time limit during the above quiz period by setting the "Time limit". Since students will not be able to continue taking a quiz past its closing time, actual test times may be shorter than the time limit depending on when exactly the student starts taking it. 

E: You can choose how to treat incomplete quizzes in "When time runs out". 

The "When time runs out" setting  》

If a student is in the middle of a quiz (on the page where the countdown timer is displayed) when the closing time of the quiz (or time limit) is reached, responses will automatically be submitted at the closing time when the quiz is over. Conversely, if the student is away from the quiz page (logged out, etc.) and has not submitted the quiz when the closing time (or time limit) is reached, you can choose how to treat the quiz by adjusting the "When time runs out" setting. The setting options are shown below. 

1. If you select " Open attempts are submitted automatically ", responses will be automatically submitted at the closing time.

2. If you select " There is a grace period when open attempts can be submitted, but no more questions answered" setting to allow students to submit their responses within the grace period (new responses cannot be submitted).

3. If you select " Attempts must be submitted before time expires, or they are not counted ", students will not be able to submit responses after the Close the quiz (responses will not be submitted and the quiz will be treated as untaken).

Grading settings 

The Grading field is for setting the "Attempts allowed" and the "Grading method". "Grading method" is set when the quiz can be taken two or more times. 

Setting Question behaviour 

The question behaviour field is used for adjusting "Question behaviour" settings. By default, this is set to "Deferred feedback" which allows students to receive correct answers and feedback after submitting their responses. After adjusting the settings, click "Save and return to course" at the bottom of the screen to save the settings. 

" How questions behave " settings 

Deferred feedback (default setting) 

Displays correct answers and feedback after all quiz responses have been submitted. 

Immediate feedback 

Judges whether a response is correct or incorrect and displays the correct answer and feedback when students submit each response and click the "Check" button. Responses cannot be resubmitted even if they are incorrect, and the quiz will proceed to the next question. 

Adaptive mode 

Judges whether a response is correct or incorrect and displays feedback when students submit each response and click the "Check" button. Responses can be resubmitted if they are incorrect. However, students’ scores will be penalized every time an incorrect response is submitted. 

Adaptive mode (no penalties) 

Judges whether a response is correct or incorrect and displays feedback when students submit each response and click the "Check" button. Responses can be resubmitted if they are incorrect. There are no penalties for resubmitting responses. 

Interactive multiple attempts 

Judges whether a response is correct or incorrect when students submit each response and click the "Check" button. When a response is incorrect, a "Retry" button will be displayed with a hint, and students can re-answer the question. A hint is displayed on each attempt, and students can retry the question as many times as the number of hints set for the question (set in "Multiple attempts"). However, students’ scores will be penalized every time an incorrect response is submitted. 


Stands for Certainty-Based Marking. When submitting a response, students select the degree of certainty for their response from three levels in addition to their answer. The higher their confidence, the higher their score will be when their response is correct, but if it is incorrect, the student’s score will be greatly deducted. 

Review option settings 

Used for setting the information presented to the user in a quiz review. 

When to display a review 

During the attempt 

Displays each time a question is answered (can be set only for adaptive mode and interactive multiple attempts). 

Immediately after the attempt (two minutes) 

Displays within two minutes after the quiz is completed (after responses are submitted). 

Later, while the quiz is still open

Displays when the quiz is accessed again within the quiz period (the period set for the timing) after the student completes the quiz. 

After the quiz is closed 

Displays when the quiz is accessed after the quiz period set in "Timing" (can be set only when the quiz Due date is enabled). 

Feedback types

Specific feedback 

Feedback displayed according to the response selected by the student. Corresponds to the following two kinds of feedback. Both can be set from the edit screen of the question. 

General feedback 

Feedback set in "General feedback" on the question edit screen. It is displayed for each question after the quiz regardless of whether a response is correct or incorrect. It can be used to give an explanation of the question. 

Overall feedback 

Feedback set in "Overall feedback" on the quiz edit screen. It is displayed after the quiz. You can change the feedback according to the student's grade. 

4-1.2 Creating questions 

This section explains how to create questions: "Multiple choice," "Embedded answers (Cloze),” and "Questions answered using drag and drop." 

When you view a quiz set up for the course, a message reading "No questions have been added" is displayed since no questions have been added yet. Here, click "Add questions" to create and select questions to add to the quiz. 

Creating multiple choice question

If a question is already saved in the question bank (the storage location of questions created for the course), you can select the question from the question bank or designate questions from the question bank at random, but here we will select "+New question " from "Add" at the bottom right of the screen to create a new question (the created question will be saved in the question bank). 

Select the type of question you want to create. Here, we have selected "Multiple choice." Then click "Add". 

The multiple choice creation screen will be displayed, so enter the title of the question in “Question name" and the content of the question in the "Question text". Also select whether it is a single-answer question or a multiple-answer question in "One or multiple answers?

Set the choices in "Answer."

A: Enter the "Answer" in the choices and give a "Score" for that answer.

B: Enter "Feedback" for the answer.

C: In the case of a single answer, the score of the correct answer will be 100%. In the case of multiple answers, the total score of the multiple correct answers will be 100%. 

D: Continue setting the "Answer", "Score", and "Feedback" for each choice.

Initially, there are five choice input fields, but blank choices will be ignored. If you want to create a question with more than five choices, click "Add three more choice input fields" under "Choice 5" to add the choices. 

If you have selected "Adaptive mode" or "Interactive multiple attempts" in "Question behaviours" when setting the quiz, students will be able to answer multiple times during a single quiz. In such a case, you can set the percentage of points that will be deducted for each mistake as a penalty for incorrect answers in "Multiple attempts". The penalty is set to 33.3% on the screen, meaning 0.67 points will be given for the correct response after responding incorrectly once. 0 points will be given for the correct response after responding incorrectly three times in a row instead of a negative score.

*If the testing mode is set to "Interactive multiple attempts", responses can be resubmitted for as many hints provided. 

Click "Save changes" at the bottom of the screen to save the created question, and the question you just created will be added to the quiz being edited. 

Previewing quizzes 

You can check the created quiz from "Management" > "Manage a quiz" > "Preview" displayed on the left side of the screen (here, two questions are shown on separate pages). 

4-1.3 Checking quiz results 

To check quiz results, you can use the quiz result list sorted by students and the statistical information of quiz results.

If you click the icon of the quiz added to the course, "Attempts:" will be displayed as a link. Clicking on this will display a list of test results by student. 

A: You can download quiz results as a "CSV file" or in "Excel format". 

B: Click "Review attempt" to see a detailed review of the quiz results for the selected student. 

You can sort items into descending/ascending order by clicking on headings such as "Student ID" or "Grade" on the list screen. 

The above can also be confirmed from "Quiz results" > "Grade" displayed by clicking the gear mark to the right of the quiz. From here, you can also access features such as "Answers", "Statistics", "Manual grading", etc.