09. Using a Wiki Contents

9.  Using a Wiki 

A Wiki is a tool for creating single content with multiple participants. It can be used for group learning, etc. 

Wiki types
There are two types of Wikis in Moodle: "Collaborative wiki" and "Individual wiki".

Personal Wikis
One participant creates a single piece of content.

Joint Wikis
All participants or a group of participants create a single piece of content. 

9.1 Creating a Wiki 

Adding and setting up a Wiki

1. After launching edit mode, click "Add activity or resource" for the topic to which you want to add a wiki.

2. Click on "Wiki" from the list of available activities and resources displayed. 

The Wiki settings page will open.

3. Enter a name for the Wiki page.

4. Enter a description of the Wiki page.

5. Select "Collaborative  Wiki" or "Individual Wiki" from the "Wiki mode" field.

6.Enter the name of the first page of the wiki. 

Click on "Save and return to course".

7. A screen for creating a page with the name entered in the "Name of first page" field will be displayed.

Click "Create page" to create the wiki page.

9.2  Using a Wiki 

With the current settings, the Wiki is available to all students participating in the course.

This section describes how to edit and add pages to a Wiki.

Wiki input

1. Click the icon of the installed Wiki to display the edit screen.

2. Click on the "View" box in the figure to select an operation for the wiki.

Click the box on the left side of the screen to display a drop-down menu.

Select "Edit". 

3. Enter the text in the "Edit this "XX" page" field.

Click the "Save" button when you are finished.

Creating a page 

You can create a new page that is linked from the first page created in "9.1 Creating a Wiki".

When you save your changes, the name of the newly created page will appear as a red link. Clicking on this link will create a new page and bring up the page's edit window. The page can be edited in the same way as before.

In this way, you can create new pages one after another.

When using multiple pages, be careful not to create unlinked pages (lost pages). 

1. Surround the names of the pages you wish to create with [[...]] and save your changes.

2. The specified pages are displayed in red.

Clicking on an area in red will display a screen for creating a new page.

3. Click "Create page" to create the specified page.

4.The edit screen for the new page will appear, so fill in the required information and click the "Save" button.

To create multiple pages, repeat this process.

Applying to groups 

Course participants can also be divided into groups to work as a group.

In this case, please configure the settings using the "Restrict access" option, etc. of the Wiki.

1.  After grouping the participants in the "Participants" section of the course, open the "Usage restrictions" section of the Wiki settings page.

Click the "Add restriction" button.

2. Select "Groups" from the "Usage restrictions" menu. 

3. Click "Select" to display the groups set in the "Participants" section, select the group that will use the wiki, and click "Save and display". 


You can check the history of changes to the Wiki you created and revert to an older version if necessary. 

1. Check the history of changes to the wiki.

To check the history, open the Wiki and click on the "View" box to display the menu.

Select "History". 

2. The modified/saved version will be displayed on the screen.

You can view the changes. If there are more than three versions, select the version you wish to compare and click "Compare selected".

In this example, we will compare versions 2 and 3.

3. The changes are highlighted as shown in "A" on the screen.

To revert to the previous version, click "Restore" as shown in "B".

In this case, the version is not reverted to 2, but a new version 4 is created.

Map menu 

If you open the "Map" tab and use the map menu, you can check the connection of links for pages edited so far or that are included in the Wiki you are currently using. 

1. Open the Wiki and click on the box marked "View" to open the menu of operations.

Select "Map". 

2. Select the item you wish to examine from the "Map menu". 

Map menu choices 


Description of choices


 Displays a list of pages edited by you. 


Displays the link sources and link destinations for the current page. 

Lost pages   

Displays a list of pages that are not linked from other pages. 

Page index

Displays the tree structure of the pages.

Page list  

Displays links to pages in alphabetical order.

Updated pages  

Displays recently updated pages and the date of the update.


By default, students are not able to upload to the "Files" area of the Wiki, therefore, if you want to allow students to upload files in the "Files" field, change the permissions to allow them to do so. The steps are as follows. 

By following these steps, students will also be able to upload files from the "Files" field of the Wiki, allowing you to create a file-sharing environment. 

Display the Wiki and click "More" from the context navigation.

Click on "Permissions" in the menu that appears.

Under "Manage Wiki files", allow students to manage files.

Students will be able to upload files from the "Files" section of the wiki, creating a file sharing environment.

9.3   Managing a Wiki 

Teachers can delete pages and page versions from the "Administration" menu of the Wiki. 

1.  Teachers can manage their Wiki pages from the "Administration" menu (not visible to students).

You can
・delete a Wiki page, or
・delete a page version. 

2.Deleting a Wiki page 

You can delete files uploaded as Wiki pages or attachments. Click "List all" on the screen to display a list of page names, select the page you want to delete and click the trash can icon.

When deleting a page, be careful not to delete the page in question or create a page that is not linked from anywhere in the process. 

3.Deleting a page version 

You can check the contents of each page version and delete unnecessary versions. To check contents, click the numbers in the "Version" column. To delete a page version, select the unwanted version and click "Delete page version".