04. Using quizzes – Creating problems Contents

4-2. Using quizzes – Creating questions

Cloze (embedded answers)

As with the explanation on creating multiple-choice questions, select "Embedded answers (Cloze)" from "Select the type of question to add" and click "Add". 

For Cloze questions, you can create "Multiple-choice," "Short-answer," and "Numerical" questions by providing blanks in the text. You can have multiple blanks for one question. However, when creating a question, you need to write a code for creating the question in "Question text". 

Below are concrete examples which explain how to create Cloze questions.

Multiple-choice questions

■ Question types

MULTICHOICE (or MC; MCS when shuffling choices)

Choices are displayed in a drop-down menu, and select the correct answer from the menu.

MULTICHOICE_V (or MCV; MCVS when shuffling choices)

Choices are lined up vertically. The radio button displayed next to the choices is used to respond.

MULTICHOICE_H (or MCH; MCHS when shuffling choices)

Choices are lined up horizontally. The radio button displayed next to the choices is used to respond.

When using the created questions in a quiz, choices will not be shuffled when using "MC", "MCV", and "MCH" even if shuffle is enabled in the quiz settings ("Question behaviours"> "Shuffle question contents" set to Yes). Use "MCS", "MCVS" and "MCHS" to shuffle choices. 


{1: MC: = Correct choice #Correct response feedback ~Incorrect choice 1 #Incorrect response feedback 1 ~Incorrect choice 2 #Incorrect response feedback 2… (Repeat thereafter)…} 

Enclose the question type symbol (MC, etc.) in a colon (:). Change the "MC" portion to "MCV", "MCH", "MCS", "MCVS", or "MCHS" according to the type of question being created. It does not matter whether the incorrect or correct answer choices are entered first. For example, if the correct answer is attributed to the second choice, it will look as follows. 

{1: MC: Incorrect choice 1#Incorrect response feedback 1 ~= Correct choice #Correct response feedback ~Incorrect choice 2 #Incorrect response feedback 2… (Repeat thereafter)…} 

Explanation of symbols 

Explanation of symbols

Each choice is separated by "~". 

Indicates the correct answer by adding it just before the correct answer choice.


Indicates the start of feedback (optional).

The number just before ":MC:"

Represents the weight of the score (optional). If there is one blank in the question, or if there are multiple blanks but the weights of each grade are equal, the numbers can be omitted. 

Specific examples 

Ex 1: Inline, weighted scoring 

Chiba University {2:MCS: ~ = Moodle #correct ~Sakai #incorrect ~Blackboard Learn #incorrect} started operation in the academic year {1:MC:~= 2009 ~2010, ~2011}. 

If there are multiple blanks in the question, you can change the weight of each point. The ratio of each score of {1:MC: …} and {2:MCS: …} is 1:2. 

Ex 2: Display choices vertically

Select the correct Learning Management System (LMS) used at Chiba University: 

{:MCVS:~=Moodle #correct~Sakai #incorrect~Blackboard Learn #incorrect} 

Ex 3: Display choices horizontally

Select the correct Learning Management System (LMS) used at Chiba University: 

{:MCHS:~=Moodle #correct~Sakai #incorrect~Blackboard Learn #incorrect}

Examples 1, 2, and 3 on the screen

Short-answer questions

Question types


Used when not distinguishing between capital and lower-case letters


Used when distinguishing between capital and lower-case letters


{:SA:=Correct choice #Correct response feedback ~% Score percentage% Partial point choice #Partial point response feedback ~ * #Feedback other than the displayed choices} 

Multiple partial point choices can be provided.

Explanation of symbols 

%Percentage of score%

Represents the percentage of the score given as partial points. %50% is a half score (optional).


Represents all but the displayed choices (optional). 

Specific examples

Ex 4: Short-answer: Not distinguishing between capital and lower-case letters.

Please answer with the 6 letters of the alphabet for the LMS currently used at Chiba University.

{:SA: =moodle #correct ~% 50% noodle #typo. Moodle is correct ~ * #incorrect. Moodle is the correct answer

Ex 5: Short-answer: Distinguishing between capital and lower-case letters

The LMS used at Chiba University is {:SA: = Moodle}.The LMS used at Chiba University is {:SA: = Moodle}.

The LMS used at Chiba University is {:SAC: = Moodle} (distinguish between capital and lower-case letters).

Examples 4 and 5 on the screen

Numerical questions 

Question type



{:NM: = Correct number: tolerance #Correct response feedback #Feedback} 

Explanation of symbols

Correct number: tolerance

The method of expressing tolerance. For example, for "= 73:2", the correct answer would be "73 ± 2", and any values from 71 to 75 will be counted as correct. 

Specific examples

Ex 6

The measured values on two sides of a rectangular board were 16.3 ± 0.1 cm and 4.5 ± 0.1 cm. Therefore, the area of the board is {:NM:=73:2#16.2×4.4 = 7.1×10, 16.4×4.6=7.5×10, so 73 ± 2 is considered correct. } cm2. 

Example 6 on the screen

Questions answered using drag and drop 

There are three types of questions that can be answered by drag & drop: "Drag and drop into text," "Drag and drop onto image," and "Drag and drop markers." 




Drag and drop


Questions that are answered by arranging words and phrases into blanks through drag and drop.

Drag and drop


Questions that are answered by dragging and dropping images or text into the appropriate blank spaces of a background image.

Drag and drop

Questions that are answered by dragging and dropping text into the appropriate area of a background image.

Instead of dragging text to a specified blank, it is dragged into an area set on the background image.

"General "

Enter the name of the question in "Question name" and the text of the question in "Question text".

Create a fill-in-the-blank area by enclosing numbers in [[…]], such as [[1]], in the part of the question you want students to fill in the blank for. 

"Choices "

Create choices for the fill-in-the-blank part of the question. The response to [[1]] in the above question text corresponds to Choice 1, and each number corresponds in the same way (it is also possible to create incorrect choices by creating more choices than the created fill-in-the-blank parts).

If you check "Shuffle", the choices will be randomly shuffled and displayed each time.

By classifying choices into different groups using "Group", you can separate the range of fill-in-the-blank fields to which the choices apply.

If you check "Unlimited", students will be able to use the choice as many times as they want when responding. 

Finally, click "Save changes" to save the created question. 

Drag and drop onto images

"General "

Enter the name of the question in “Question name” and the text of the question in “Question text”.

"Preview "

Upload the image file to be used as the background image. 

Before uploading the image file 

After uploading the image file 

"Draggable items"

Set the image and text to be used for the answer.

In “Type”, set a “Draggable image” or “Draggable text”.

As with drag-and-drop into text, you can use "Group" to classify choices into different groups and separate the range of fill-in-the-blank fields to which the choices apply. If you check "Unlimited", students will be able to use the choice as many times as they want when responding. Repeat the same steps for the number of draggable items, and finally click "Refresh preview" in "Preview" to reflect the uploaded file. 

If you select draggable image, upload the image file (A)

If you select draggable text, enter the text (B)

"Drop zone"

Decide on which part of the background image the draggable item should be dropped to be counted as a correct answer. 

First, select an item from "Draggable items" (). Next, specify the location to drag and drop the item (). To specify the location, you need to enter the coordinate value, but you can also drag and drop the item in "Preview" used when uploading the background image earlier to determine the location (coordinate values are set automatically in conjunction). 

Preview screen 

Finally, click "Save changes" to save the created question. 

Drag and drop markers 


Enter the name of the question in "Question name" and the text of the question in "Question text". 


Upload the image file to be used as the background image. 

Before uploading the image file 

After uploading the image file 


Enter the name of the markers to be dragged and dropped when responding.

If you set the number of markers to "Infinite", they can be used as many times as desired, but if set to an option other than unlimited, the markers can be used only the specified number of times. 

"Drop zone"

While checking the background image in "Preview", set the area to be counted as a correct answer when the marker is dropped. 

How to specify the area 

- When coordinates are expressed as "x, y", x indicates a horizontal position and y indicates a vertical position.

- The area can be specified as three types: "Circle", "Rectangle", and "Polygon". Each of these are set as follows.



x and y are the coordinates of the center of the circle, and r is the radius.



x and y are the coordinates of the upper left corner of the rectangle, and w and h are the width and height of the rectangle, respectively. 


x1,y1;x2,y2;x3,y3; ... Repeat for the number of points.

x1 and y1 represent the coordinates of the first point, and in the case of a polygon, it is necessary to specify three or more points. 

Finally, click "Save changes" to save the created Questions. 

4-2.1 Creating questions in bulk

Moodle offers several ways to create quiz questions in bulk. This section explains how to use "GIFT format", which is a format used for importing quiz questions from a text file. 

Creating questions in GIFT format 

GIFT format is used as follows (the method for creating individual questions will be explained later).

● Answers are represented by enclosing them with "{}" as in "{answer}".

● Insert "#" after each answer and then add a comment to provide feedback on the answer. 

● Words between "::" such as in ":: Question name ::" represent the name of the question.

● Lines starting with "//" are treated as comments. 

● When inputting multiple questions, separate each question with a blank line.

When using GIFT format, it is necessary to save the character code of the text file as UTF-81). The differences between question types when creating questions in GIFT format are summarized below. 

Multiple-choice questions

Input the correct answer after "=" and other choices after "~".

Combination questions

Input choices with "=" and the match to the choices with "->".

Numerical questions

Input the correct answer after "#".

True/false questions

If correct, enter "T", and if incorrect, enter "F".

Short-answer questions

Input the correct answers after "=". It is necessary to list all correct answers.

Please refer to "GIFT format example" below for specific details on creating questions.

1) Use caution when using "Notepad" which comes with Windows 10 to edit GIFT format because if your version of Windows 10 is 19H1 or earlier when saving a character code in UTF-8, it will be accompanied by unwanted data called a Byte Order Mark (BOM) (as of March 2021). An example of an alternative text editor is the free software "Mery", which allows you to create an appropriate text file by selecting UTF-8 (without BOM) and saving it. UTF-8 without BOM may also be expressed as "UTF-8N". 

GIFT format example

 <Notes on handling mathematical formulas>

Due to the processing order of PHP and LaTeX, when using the above symbols in LaTeX format, they should be preceded by a "\ (backslash)".

The "\ (backslash)" may be displayed as a "\ (yen mark)" depending on your PC settings, in which case you can use the "\ (yen mark)" as it is.

An example on creating questions in GIFT format is shown below. 

Adding questions using GIFT format 

From "Course management" in the "Administration" block installed on the right side of the course top, select "Question bank" > "Import" to display the screen for importing externally created questions. 

A : Select "Gift format". 

B : Upload the question file created in Gift format to Moodle. 

C :  Import the file selected in A and B.

> 04-1. 小テストの利用-設定- に戻る

4-1. 小テストの利用 -設定-

4-1.1 小テストの作成と設定

《「制限時間を経過した場合」の設定 》




4-1.2 問題の作成



4-1.3 受験結果の確認