HW-1: Scrub It!

Scrub It!


For this homework, I wanted to riff-off the variant of the grumpy cat background image that we had and wanted to incorporate the feel of a WarioWare micro-game. In this short experience, the visitors have to use their bodies as a scrub to reveal the image, but after some time, the image reverts back to a black background.

Source: https://github.com/PaulineOC/ITP-BodyEWAH-HW1

Demo: https://editor.p5js.org/MsRainwater/sketches/tiuRAbOtF


For the code, when the frame difference is over the threshold, then I draw a pixel from the target image. However, I created a hacky timer where after enough frames have passed, the pixel would revert to black again. Thus I wanted the user to have to race these timers and do grand gestures. Unfortunately I didn't have a an external webcam accessible yet, which could've made for better body tracking, but I did end up using bigger gestures to reveal more of the picture faster.

I added additional states for instructions and winning (showing the entire picture).

I had a bit of trouble sometimes with the finickiness of the video threshold that determined whether to show the image pixel or the black pixel combined with the win threshold needed to reveal the entire picture..(see below).

Here are a few play-throughs where I tweak the video threshold and the win conditions ( how many pixels need to be revealed)


I wanted the tone to be fun and cheesy, so I went with the motivational animal posters that were popular in the early 2000s? I had to flip them because the video would end up being flipped.