Global Onomatopoeia Menagerie

Global Onomatopoeia Menagerie was inspired by the different accents that we heard during the in-class demos...and by emojis. Users can explore one of the five countries and see how each country represents the sound of animals: duck, rooster, dog, cat, frog. I originally wanted to do way more than 5 countries and include ALL the accents (per the available language tags), but soon ran into issues. Furthermore, I wanted to try using a different input rather than text, and when realizing I would need an on-hover change to indicate what the user was currently selecting, I was thrown headfirst into the world of interactive svgs. After manipulating them to change color on hover, I realized that my ambition of including all the accents was even more unfeasible since a lot countries (especially in Europe) became hard to differentiate and push accurately. Thus, from a usability standpoint considering, if the main medium of selection was through the map itself, it ended up being a little easier to have fewer options.

The current code lives here:

I tried deploying the code to Heroku, but then my sounds broke...
(attached image below)

But it works on Github Pages:

I tried deploying the code to Heroku, but then my sounds broke...

In the screenshot, the emojis broke and the sounds were interpreted differently. In the console, when the user presses "duck," when instead they should hear/see in the console кря-кря.

But what was weird is when I used the Unicode to fix the emojis, while it did solve the emoji problem on my Heroku site, it broke my the sounds on my local site.

Big shoutout to Kseniia and Akshita for helping me out with Hindi and Russian! 😊

Resources used:
