Statement of Beliefs

Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action

The Northern Valley Regional High School District is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action institution. In compliance with relevant federal and state civil rights legislation, the system does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, national origin, age, or physical capability in the operation of its educational program or activities (enrollment, access to programs, physical education, athletics, counseling, use of facilities, and school sponsored extracurricular activities).

All Affirmative Action policies are located in the following areas: District Board of Education Of ice, Superintendent’s Office, Principals’ and Supervisors’ Offices, Affirmative Action Coordinators’ Offices, and the Library. The Affirmative Action Officer for Demarest is Ms. Luisella Marolda, Assistant Principal 201‐768‐3200, Ext. 13030.

Mission Statement

At Northern Valley Regional High School District, we provide a safe environment in which each student seeks answers to questions, challenges assumptions, and develops self‐worth.

Recognition of academic and cultural diversity promotes mutual respect and acceptance. Our high schools encourage academic excellence, aesthetic appreciation, and moral integrity. We seek to prepare all students for their roles in a rapidly changing and diverse global community, and to become independent learners, critical thinkers, problem solvers, collaborative workers, and responsible contributors to society.

Education requires a shared commitment. In providing a framework for the immediate and future concerns of our students, we require a constant and critical re‐evaluation of curriculum and course design to keep abreast of global research and new techniques within our respective disciplines. The joint commitment of students, professional staff, Board of Education and community, which supports and complements our mission, forms the basis for a challenging and effective program.

This We Believe‐A Commitment to Excellence

We at Northern Valley dedicate ourselves to excellence in education. We believe that if teachers, parents, and students direct their talents to the following responsibilities, all will be assured that our young people will be prepared for the 21st Century.

We accept the challenge placed before us. We are resolved to see it through. We are dedicating ourselves to secure America’s place in the world.

We believe that there are certain responsibilities for all of us to ensure that students learn the necessary skills to succeed in our world. The administration, teachers, students, and parents must share these responsibilities. The approach we have undertaken involves the contributions of all work participants. The following are the major tenets of our position:

1. COURSE OBJECTIVE – that students and parents should know all course objectives. Students will receive them on the first day of school, and teachers will provide them for parents on Back‐To‐School Night. The objectives give the desired goals and directions for the course under consideration.

2. COURSE REQUIREMENTS – that students should be given the necessary skills to achieve the stated goals. These will vary from class to class.

3. HOMEWORK – that students should share a major responsibility in learning. Students need reinforcement to work at developing desired goals presented in the classroom.

4. EVALUATION – that all students should be evaluated during the school year by way of unit tests, quizzes, homework, written assignments, projects, and class participation. Also, students will be required to take midterm and final examinations unless exempt from final exams. There are no exemptions from midterm exams.

5. ATTENDANCE – that all students should strive for perfect attendance. Class attendance is essential to the educational process and provides the students with the initial presentation of material and reinforcement of class discussions.

6. EXTRA HELP – that some students need further assistance. We will provide extra help on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, from 2:36 ‐ 3:00 P.M. On Mondays that have no faculty meetings, teachers will also be available for extra help. Furthermore,

students can make other arrangements to meet with the teachers at a mutually agreed upon time.

7. REQUIRED EXTRA HELP – that when students are doing poorly they should be required to attend extra‐help work sessions after school. If the student does not attend, further measures will be taken to ensure his/her attendance at such sessions. Work is no excuse for not attending!

8. PARENT INVOLVEMENT – that the parents are a vital force in their children’s education. Consulting with teachers and counselors, reviewing the student’s test and quiz papers, supervising homework and attending school functions will help ensure student success.

WE BELIEVE that if the above responsibilities are met, our students will be prepared for the next step in their educational pursuits. Let all of us pledge ourselves to these responsibilities.

Northern Valley Code of Conduct

Northern Valley’s discipline system is designed to fulfill the following purposes:

1. Foster the health, safety, social and emotional well being of students.

2. Support the establishment and maintenance of civil, safe, secure, supportive and disciplined school environments conducive to learning.

3. Promote achievement of high academic standards.

4. Prevent the occurrence of problem behavior.

5. Establish parameters for the school responses to violations of the code of student conduct and to establish parameters for the intervention and remediation of student problem behaviors at all stages of identification.