Medical Services

Illness in School: Students who become ill in school are given a teacher’s pass and urged to report to the nurse immediately. A student is free to enter the health office at the change of class without a pass if necessary. The nurse will attend to the student’s immediate needs and telephone the parent at home or work when indicated. The student will not be allowed to go home if the parent is not available. If parents cannot pick up the child at the time of notification, they should designate which emergency person listed in InfoSnap is to be called. If in an extreme emergency the parent is not available, the family physician will be called and his direction will be followed. (The person picking up an ill student must sign the nurse’s log.) If the physician is not available, our school physician Dr. Zahid Farooki will be notified.

Up to date emergency telephone numbers, home phone numbers, addresses, and places of employment are extremely important when the school needs to reach a parent.

Medication: No prescribed or over‐the counter drug should be kept in lockers or shared with students. What is prescribed for one student may be poisonous to another. If the doctor prescribes a drug to be administered during school hours, the exact dosage must be given in the pharmaceutical container, properly labeled, and accompanied by an order form from the physician signed by the parent. The nurse will see that it is administered. The school nurse will not administer non‐prescription drugs at any time (cough medicine, aspirin, etc.) unless prescribed by physician with parent approval. Parents must supply non‐prescription drugs if so ordered. For any medications to be given in extreme emergencies or for injectables, a release of responsibility should be signed by the parent or guardian. Only in a rare emergency should someone other than the certified school nurse give such medication.

Accidents in School: In the event that there is an accident to your child while he/she is in school, we will make every effort to contact you first. If you are not available, we will contact the family physician. I an extreme emergency, the ambulance will take the student to the hospital named on the emergency card. The student must report accidents to the supervisor of the activity and a written report sent to the nurse within 24 hours.

Immunizations: The New Jersey State Department of Health mandates that the student’s immunization program that began in elementary school with your family physician be kept up to date. A tetanus booster is required every ten years. Students must have measles, mumps and rubella vaccine or proof of immunity. All N.J. State Department Health requirements must be met within 2 weeks after the day of registration or the student will be excluded from school. Students from other countries and other states must have evidence of Mantoux tuberculin skin testing. Class schedules will not be issued if immunization requirements are not met.

Scoliosis examination: Students in grades 9 and 11 will be examined for scoliosis during the first week of school in September. Students who have had yearly examinations by their own physician may submit a physician’s note at the time of the examination. Your personal note must state the name of the physician and the results of the exam. These results will enable us to accurately report the number of students who are being followed for scoliosis to the N.J. State Health Department.